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I’ve come across a lot of people here and in other corners of the interwebz who are extremely adamant and passionate about the response the U.S. should have toward the humanitarian crisis and murder campaign that is currently being waged against the people of Palestine.

They are so staunch in their position against the fact the Biden Administration has supplied weapons and military financial support to Israel in support of this campaign, they vow to vote for a third party candidate or not vote at all.

I get it. I am completely with you on your opinion of how fucked it is that we are supporting Bibi’s Zionist movement in the region.

But Rep Acasio-Cortez articulates rather well why she is voting for #HarrisWalz and why I am too.

Harris can be moved. I believe Harris can change course in Gaza. I believe Harris can be persuaded to place an embargo on Israel. Trump absolutely cannot. And under a Trump presidency so many others will be hurt beyond just those in Gaza.


in reply to Wren Archer:bc::trans_heart:🏹

So her argument is:

Do you want just genocide for others with Kamala or genocide for others and more suffering at home with Donald.

I guess it makes sense if you take the genocide of the Palestinian people as a natural baseline.

If only there was a third way. Oh, I don’t know, like not selling billions of dollars of arms and committing genocide.

But I guess that’s a very high bar for American morality.

This entry was edited (4 days ago)
in reply to Aral Balkan

@aral Righteous anger is the only understandable response to genocide. Unfortunately it is not very helpful, and it’s why you keep having conflict with other people who are also anti-genocide. Your opinions on this 75 year long conflict are emotional, divisive, and foolishly over simplified. Netanyahu would like nothing more than divisiveness in the Democratic Party right now, and in that way you are potentially causing more harm than good with your “unapologetic anti-genocide” ridiculousness. Look up the definition of dialectic and grow up.
in reply to Moonslime

@Moonslime “you are potentially causing more harm than good with your ‘unapologetic anti-genocide’ ridiculousnes”

Do you even hear yourself?

For shame.

in reply to Aral Balkan

@aral @Moonslime
In 1968, frustrated opponents of the Vietnam War allowed (compulsive liar, demagogue, and far-right troll) Richard Nixon to defeat Vice President Hubert Humphrey for US President.
Nixon not only stepped up the genocide, he added another in Cambodia, and tacked on some coups in Latin America.
Beware of false equivalencies.
in reply to Osteopenia Powers

@Osteopenia_Powers @aral @Moonslime well don't blame it on "frustrated opponents of the Vietnam war". Blame it on the Democratic party for engaging in the Vietnam war in the place, and blame it on Nixon for being a compulsive liar and a far right troll.
This entry was edited (4 days ago)
in reply to FelisCatus

@FelisCatus @aral @Moonslime
Well, here's the thing. Both Nixon and Johnson/Humphrey promised to end the war. Nixon, being the POS that he was, secretly torpedoed the Democratic plan. Then he went on with the war for 4 more years, escalated troops and bombing, and destroyed a few bonus countries.
So, NO!
I blame Nixon and those who failed to distinguish between him and Humphrey.
in reply to Osteopenia Powers

@FelisCatus @aral @Moonslime
So there were two paths. The world got the more bellicose path.
There are two paths today. Don't tell me they're the same.
in reply to Osteopenia Powers

@Osteopenia_Powers @FelisCatus @Moonslime No one is telling you they’re the same. People are telling your presidential candidate to stop arming a fucking genocide.
in reply to Aral Balkan

@aral @Moonslime
Boy, Aral, I don't always agree with you, but I must say, you provoke the most ludicrous, convoluted responses from people who would like to free Israel and it's supporters in America from any criticism for perpetuating a genocide. That said, I agree with Wren, that there may be a meaningful difference between full time fascist Mr. Trump, and V. P. Harris who is reluctant to disagree with her genocide supporting boss, Pres. Biden.
in reply to Wren Archer:bc::trans_heart:🏹

What do you base this idea that Harris can be moved on this on?

Because people have been pressuring her, very hard, and she hasn't moved an inch.

I honestly believe there is a better chance of the genocide ending under Trump than under Harris. Not because he opposes it, of course- he probably supports it even more than she does. But liberals will suddenly oppose it once it's not a Democrat in charge of it, and Trump's antisemitism, "America First" mindset, and overall impulsiveness might actually make him get sick of sending billions of dollars to Israel.

Obviously the chance is still extremely small. But the only way for Harris to win the votes of people who oppose genocide is for her to actually oppose genocide, not fantasies about how she might oppose it someday in the future.

in reply to Brie

@TheBrieze I'm sorry, but the idea that Trump will be better on this issue is a fantasy. He will let Israel do whatever they want and he will arrest protesters. I really do think he'll buy land there after he allows Bibi to kill more people and build condos on the beach. Harris has to walk a fine line during the election because of AIPAC and whatnot, but she's talking to Palestinian Americans which is more than Biden is doing. If Trump wins every marginalized person will be screwed.
in reply to Jennifer

@Jennifer it's not that Trump will be better, but that liberals will suddenly remember that genocide is bad once it's Trump doing it unabashedly without the security blanket of pretending to support a ceasefire or to be upset about human rights violations.
in reply to Brie

@TheBrieze Your logic is a bit wonky - If trump wins - why do you think he'd give a flying f*ck what liberals think and why do you think he'd even think for a second to bowing to any pressure from the left? When has he ever done such a thing that you can use as predictive behavior of this sort from him or his extreme right wing supporters?

The more likely response from trump would be to double down on his support for his pal Bibi "to own the libs"


in reply to Brie

in reply to Coach Mark 🇮🇪🇺🇲🏒🎸

@CoachMark No, your understanding of what I wrote is very poor. I do not think that Congress would force Trump's hand to stop sending aid to Israel if Trump wins. I think there is a very small chance of that happening, and that small chance is greater than the essentially nonexistent chance that Harris stops aid to Israel (since liberals will continue blindly supporting genocide as long as someone from their team is doing it).

The only way to move forward is to choose leaders who oppose genocide. You should pressure Harris/Walz to oppose genocide, so they can win the votes of people who want to stop genocide!

in reply to Brie

@TheBrieze Oh plenty of us are doing so.

With that said - who do you plan on voting for and do you fully understand the ramifications of that voting plan as it relates to not only Palestine, but the other pressing global and domestic issues at stake in this election?

in reply to Brie

@TheBrieze I've written letters to the White House as well as to my Representative, Jahanna Hayes, as well as Senator, Chris Murphy as it relates to Palestine/Gaza and will continue to do so.

And you?

in reply to Jennifer

in reply to Wren Archer:bc::trans_heart:🏹

could you elaborate on how Jill Stein has "got her hands dirty from killing Gazans"? (btw they are Palestinians not "Gazans").

If Jill Stein won, she would immediately do as the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 requires, and end all military aid to Israel. At the very least, the level of destruction and killing would massive decrease, but realistically without this aid, Israel would probably crumble and the genocide would end.

Fascism already has a seat in the Oval Office. The election is over which fascist faction holds the office, not fascism vs democracy.

in reply to Brie

You know, I oppose the fascists in Israel as well, and I don't believe the Biden admin has done nearly enough to dissuade them. But they will absolutely do more than Trump, no matter how many fantasies you have about changing policy with "pressure" by allowing the absolute fascists in office.

And frankly, why does only Palestine matter? Do you have no obligation to the genocide coming for LGBTQ+ people if Trump and his Project 2025 cronies take over? They are going to kill us. And I'm sorry, I can't just ignore that in search for the perfect candidate.

in reply to It's Just Jenn 🏳️‍⚧️

Two comments, one for each paragraph of your post. You said that “Biden hasn’t done nearly enough” but it misses the fact that Netanyahu supports his buddy #TheFelonyGuy and won’t be tractable to persuasion until one or the other is in jail.
Second paragraph shows your concern for LGBTQ+ folks. Those folks have no rights to life or liberty in Gaza, so trying to argue for them with a supporter of the Palestinian cause is wasted effort.
@TheBrieze @WrenArcher
in reply to Jeff Shaffer CBET, ret

@CivilityFan Nobody has rights to life or liberty in Gaza, because Israel occupies Gaza and is trying to kill everyone who lives there.
in reply to Brie

And in a separate Palestinian State, LGBTQ+ will still not have any rights. Don’t paint me as pro genocide, I’m not. I’m also not for killing anyone for their sexual orientation. There are other groups that deserve your sympathy and you have just as little to offer as this does here. We have a choice, to me it’s black or white, good or evil. If you see grey somehow, then I suggest that you reflect on the big picture. YMMV
in reply to Jeff Shaffer CBET, ret


I believe the pro-palis were all a bunch of immature punks looking for a place to exercise youth rebellion and this just happened to fit-sort of; oh well the gray areas. They did not think this through. Haven't seen where any of them went to Gaza. Probably a one way trip and they know it.

My message to the pro-palis; fail better: May 04, 1970, you didnt even rouse the national guard out of its slumber.

#AmYisraelChai #lgbt

in reply to Easelbitch™️:verified: 07Oct23

That may be descriptive of some of them, but I remember being a protester and reviled by the majority. It’s often conscience that drives youth, but I think it’s confusing why so many today fight against this particular injustice when their are so many others who are suffering - think Sudan & Ukraine among many - where this level of energy could do some real world good.
Let’s stop pretending that Putin didn’t enable the attacks on Oct 7 and that Netanyahu is our ally.
This is all about weakening the USA’s ability to effect the course of world events. In a bad way, imo