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In a 2016 interview I was asked what I would say to those who "don't get" abstract art.

Reader mode recommended, if you happen to go check it out:

in reply to Rob πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ RMiddleton.Art

The above toot got some attention and I felt like adding a bit more. In 30 years now of making abstract art I notice that I face the same questions over and over. I do think it makes sense. Valuing abstract art is a challenge of status quo hierarchy. I'm making crayon scribble drawings now & giving them to people & saying it's the same in principle as a $3000 painting! All #art but especially abstract art forces us to face the relativism in our values. That opens doors to big scary changes.
This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)
in reply to Rob πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ RMiddleton.Art

based on your classical music analogy, I am now thinking about how abstract art can simply be about creating visuals that create an emotional response without signifying anything… but also sometimes they can be deconstructions of subject matter.

When it comes to values though, yeah I’d be more interested in paying for a work that makes me feel something over something having renown.

in reply to Gemini6Ice

here’s an example of something I’ve made that is supposed to represent / is based on an actual subject matter but it is so very abstracted I don’t think it looks meaningfully different from just putting colors together bc it looks right
in reply to Gemini6Ice

@gemini6ice Nice work! When viewing art it may not matter the source or intention. Viewers are going to see what they see, feel what they feel. Statements by artists can impact that experience of course.

As much as I dislike being overly wordy and persnickety (no really! I do fight it even though I'm a wordy, persnickety fucker), I usually take the time to declare that my art is abstract expressionist. There is no intended pattern to my work beyond expressing feelings.

in reply to Rob πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ RMiddleton.Art

@gemini6ice Above you said:
> abstract art can simply be about creating visuals that create an emotional response without signifying anything… but also sometimes they can be deconstructions of subject matter.

It need not matter for a viewer's relationship to the work, but my opinion is that my art is both ends of that continuum: abstract visual expression of emotion and deconstructions of subject matter. I believe images I create come from physical data my mind has stored.
