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Der eine oder andere #Volkswagen in #Tokio / #Japan, hat sicher auch schon bessere Tage gesehen.

in reply to KOKU BUNJI

Great shots, and a bit sad to see the decay. You might think that the small ww have been used as a wood shed.
in reply to Ambivalena :verigold:

Thank you for comment. Yes, I think so.
Posted another picture with VW Bulli in better condition in comments.
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to KOKU BUNJI

Es gibt allerdings auch hübsche und wohlgepflegte Exemplare dort. 😻
in reply to KOKU BUNJI

This one was really nice, and it looks so cute inside the garage in the middle of that house :D
in reply to Ambivalena :verigold:

@ambivalena Hehe, yes. And the cars in Japan are usually always too big for the garages.
That's why they're always sticking out.