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Instead of a handful of platforms trying to control your life online, people are reclaiming control by building more open and empowering approaches to social media.
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

Re: Mastodon moderation downsides...

> Decisions can be arbitrary, inconsistent, and come with little recourse. These aren't just decisions impacting individual users, but also those affecting large swaths of them, when it comes to defederation.

EVERY POINT here applies equally to the other systems. Corporations make unilateral decisions all the time. How is this a Mastodon centric problem?

Sounds like inventing differences just to have something to say.

in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

The problem lies in getting people to actually *USE* them. I've tried over and over to convince a lot of people who really shouldn't remain on the platforms their own to switch over and just get collective shrugs from most. Some I legitimately worry about. For example, vtubers on Twitter as nazis gain more and more power there. I guess they don't think they're direct targets, but I guarantee that they will be. (Especially LGBTQ+ people and open allies.)

How do we get people to switch?