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Here's what we are reading today:

#Russia are succeeding in their assault on #Kharkiv due to: delayed #US aid, poor fortifications and #Russia battlefield tactics and #russia is benefitting from the US preventing #Ukraine from using #US weaponry on Russia territory, Max Boot writes for the Washington Post.

Lisa Melton reshared this.

in reply to Tim Mak

In the last 72 hours the language of #Ukraines military reports has changed: going from "ongoing defensive fighting" to "significantly worsened" and to #russia "tactical success". This comes as #Russia pushes on four points in the frontline, forcing #Ukraine to spread their resources thin.

in reply to Tim Mak

Last night Blinken played Neil Young's song 'Rocking' in the Free World' in a #Kyiv bar with the #Ukrainian band 19.99. While a 19.99 band member said the performance was important, many in #Ukraine feel the performance was disrespectful given the situation on the front.