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Mykola Yevtushenko, from the village of Andriivka, was sentenced this week to 10 years in prison after being convicted of collaboration with the enemy, Ukrainian police reported.

Mykola posed as a monk and blessed Russian tanks during the battles for Kyiv.

Last week, we went to the village to track him down and profile what his neighbors thought about his trial.

Read our article to find out if Mykola's fellow villagers have forgiven him.

in reply to Tim Mak

Here's what we are reading today:

Trump announced yesterday that he and House Speaker Johnson were considering approving vital aid for #Ukraine.

The aid would be in the form of a loan to alleviate GOP concerns.

in reply to Tim Mak

#Russia is slowly eroding Ukraine’s frontline with a five-to-one advantage in artillery pieces and ammunition.

The rumored Russian summer offensive is stoking fears of a complete breakthrough if Russian progress continues at the same pace.