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My Tech Fun continues to be one of the most interesting, and useful, 3D-printing-related channels:

My take-aways from this video:

* While not _the_ best material, PETG is surprisingly wear-resistant, while ABS is surprisingly not, ASA is even worse, and PLA continues to be useless.
* CF fills don't always help wear resistance: in some cases, a CF-filled filament is worse than its non-filled counterpart.


in reply to Koz Ross

I watched this video, and I was surprised by the results.

I haven’t had an exact use for it yet, but I will keep it in mind. I hope he does more videos of different types of wear and tear.

@3dprinting #3dprinting

in reply to Stark

@Stark9837 I was surprised as well. I've not had to consider wear resistance for parts yet, but will keep this video in mind. It'd also be interesting to read the full publication Igor is working on when it's finished: I imagine it'll go into more detail.