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Anyone who thinks they can still pay with cryptocurrency after the collapse of our civilization is beyond help. Would you trade something to eat for a USB flash drive in the end times?

#btc #Bitcoin #crypto #cryptocurrency #money #finance #Infrastructur #civilization #future #earth #economy #humanity

in reply to anonymiss

No, at that point in time currency will be human body parts...
in reply to anonymiss

I imagine the best currency to hold would be the yuan
in reply to anonymiss

Good luck using your Visa, Mastercard, Apple Pay, Google Pay, {insert corporation} Pay also.
in reply to anonymiss

I wouldn't trade it for gold, paper or sparkly stones either.. Iron tools on the other hand..
in reply to anonymiss

The irony is that crypto, due to its tremendous energy-consumption, does contribute to the collapse of mankind, so crypto-miners and -traders actually contribute to the opposite of security.
in reply to anonymiss

Energy consumption by itself does not "contribute to the collapse of mankind". Be specific about what you mean.
in reply to anonymiss

@Erik 🮱 The causality is straightforward and well known. Energy consumption leads to carbonisation of the atmosphere which leads to climate change, which leads to so called natural disasters, including drought, floods and cyclones. As the environmental pressures increase, the likelihood of societal collapse also increases.