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How I design apps:
• List key user actions (information architecture)
• Iterate with plain text blocks
• Refine layout & grouping
• Add icons & imagery last

Simple to complex. Function to form. Solid UX foundation before visual polish. #iOSDev #BuildInPublic #UXDesign #AppDesign

New app @Pleydia’s home iterations: 👇

in reply to Cihat Gündüz

I do something similar except first I play out a conversation between the user and the system to understand what kind of questions the user might need answered (about either the content they came there for, or about how to query the machine for that content), and what kind of answers from the machine will be understandable to the user
in reply to Pavel A. Samsonov

I think I do something very similar in my head during the process. Just not in a systematic manner like you might do.
This entry was edited (1 week ago)