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Well, that was interesting.

Tonight's presidential debate had a clear loser, but no clear winner.

Trump missed an opportunity to knock it out of the park – and peppered his remarks with a steady stream of lies, half-truths and misinformation. – but he got through it.

And did Biden most likely cause a disaster for the Democratic Party?

Analysis from two scholars of communication and politics:

#uspolitics #2024Election #election #debate2024

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in reply to The Conversation U.S.

how in the fuck is someone who lied the whole time possibly considered not the clear loser? Bc the maga base is so brainwashed and dumb that they think being anti vaxxer is smart and Trump's idea of cutting all funding for all vaccines is smart and cool and won't bring back polio and measles and create an immediate national public health crisis. These kinds of dumb posts need clarification of this so we better understand ur just saying Biden underperformed.
in reply to Elillis

@Evan_L Because our media doesn't care about what is true anymore. They care about what brings clicks and ad revenue.
in reply to Lewis Edwards

@binaryequation @Evan_L A widely held belief, according to an article we published yesterday:
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

@binaryequation yeah u still absolutely need to change ur post and clickbaity headline. The absolute clear loser was the pathological liar who wants absolutely destroy our country and the world in literally every way possible. Ur encouraging the dumbest independents and undecideds to go the other way, so thanks for that s/.
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

The danger lies in the public believing lies, or at least preferring, and voting for, lies that lead to profit. The 'Haves' want to keep it, the 'Have Nots' want to get it, and if someone is loud enough and promises this, even if it's a lie, people follow.
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

I could give a fuck about that "debate" it meant nothing and never was going to mean anything.
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

Biden looked and spoke old, but he knew the issues and policies. Trump raged like a patient in a mental health facility - no responses to the subjects presented and constant fsbrication. Why wasn’t Trump taken away for observation?