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#HeritageFoundation Staffers Flood Federal Agencies With Thousands of Information Requests

The conservative think tank has filed thousands of public-information requests, clogging the pipeline at federal agencies in an apparent attempt to find employees a potential #Trump administration would want to purge.

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#HeritageFoundation Staffers Flood Federal Agencies With Thousands of Information Requests

The conservative think tank has filed thousands of public-information requests, clogging the pipeline at federal agencies in an apparent attempt to find employees a potential #Trump administration would want to purge.

#News #FOIA #Government #Project2025 #Climate #Vote #Gender #Biden

Unknown parent

HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴


#HeritageFoundation #Taxes #Legal


Tax-exempt, as you had implicitly guessed:

"2022 Income tax status:
The Heritage Foundation is a nonprofit organization exempt from federal income taxes under Section 501(a), as an entity described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal..." 1)

And you're not the only one to have questioned their status:

"...several internet users argued that due to its political activities, the nonprofit...



in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

#HeritageFoundation #Taxes #Legal


....organization's tax-exempt status could be challenged:

...Internet users rallied around the idea that they 👉could send complaint Form 13909 to the IRS to challenge The Heritage Foundation's tax-exempt status👈..." 2)

However, reality proved, as always, more complex:

"...While it's true there are several conditions to obtaining and maintaining a nonprofit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status,...


in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

#HeritageFoundation #Taxes #Legal


...and while The Heritage Foundation enjoys that status, advocating for policies does not, per se, constitute a violation of the rules..." 2)

#Newsweek had also looked into this a couple of months ago: did a lawyer journal:

As to the Heritage "Foundation is neutral", believe the words of
Its "...President Kevin D. Roberts told The...