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The barcode, which completely revolutionized how we shop, work and live, turns 50 this summer.
What it didn't do: Herald the end times, as conspiracy theorists once fretted.
What it did do: Usher in a new age of global commerce.

And fast forward to today, when more than 10 billion product barcodes are scanned every day (not to mention their descendant, the QR code)
#Histodons @histodons #shopping #technology

in reply to The Conversation U.S.

To be fair to the conspiracy theorists, technologies that escalate human ability to overconsume, and that enable the extractivist, accumulationist, exploitationist paradigm we live in, probably are hastening our arrival at the end times (but through ecosphere collapse rather than mark-of-the-beast biblical ways)
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

I feel this piece could gain from amending a paragraph to continuing standardisation efforts around GS1.

cc @PhilA

@histodons @scottmatter