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Yesterday was the time for our weekly #news #quiz, but your humble host is at #ONA24 and forgot.

Here's my favorite question from the quiz. Check your answer and see how you did here:

The Boston Tea Party happened in 1773; the Declaration of Independence was in 1776. But in September 1774, 250 years ago, which not-quite-as-famous revolutionary event took place in Pennsylvania?

  • The Philadelphia Cream Cheese Party (3%, 3 votes)
  • The First Continental Congress (61%, 51 votes)
  • The publication of "Common Sense" (25%, 21 votes)
  • " The first ringing of the Liberty Bell" (9%, 8 votes)
83 voters. Poll end: 6 days ago

in reply to The Conversation U.S.

If they held a Philadelphia cream cheese party today, I'd like to attend.