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//In evolving dictatorships, the opposition is always weak and divided. That’s what makes dictatorship possible in the first place. Opposition movements rarely get stronger and more unified under the pressures of persecution. Today there is no leader for Democrats to rally behind. It is difficult to imagine that such a leader will emerge once Trump regains power.//

This piece from November 2023 is looking increasingly prophetic. #uspolitics

in reply to Beth P

There are four months left. The future is unwritten.

What Kagan says about splintering and desiccation of the opposition under dictatorship is true, but the "inevitability" argument is, too often, a self-fulfilling prophesy.

Stand. Fight. Do not obey in advance.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Alexander Karn

OK, but I've been speaking out, donating til it hurts, marching in the streets, etc. for 8 years already, and it hasn't made one lick of difference. I'm not saying I'm going to stop doing those things or, God forbid, vote for the Orange Menace. But what exactly can I do to stop it? If you have the answer, please share.
in reply to Beth P

In terms of understanding the threat and how to respond, I've been pointing people here:

In terms of getting involved and doing the work, I have signed up here:

There's no guarantee things will improve, but intellectual capitulation ensures they won't.

I understand your sense of despair, but discouragement is fascist gold.

in reply to Alexander Karn

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez knows.

Embracing "inevitability" of defeat makes us functionally useless.

Let's never do that. Win or lose. Never.

in reply to Alexander Karn

Vote Save America will teach you how to canvass and phone bank effectively.

It’s something you can learn to do even if, like me, you’re sometimes anxious and shy.

I signed up for training on 7/24.