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It takes more than camo hats, hotdishes and a hunting license to get the votes of America’s rural residents.

Does Tim Walz understand the grievances and anxieties felt by many rural residents living across the country?
#USPolitics #Politics #Election2024 #TimWalz

in reply to The Conversation U.S.

You're really doing this? Fine.

As compared to the rapist who craps in a gold toilet and his couch humping incel lackey who fantasizes about instituting a forced breeding program?

Gee, I don't know. Is Walz relatable enough? Does he understand just plain folk who don't crap in gold toilets or bury their ex-wives in unmarked graves on golf courses they own?

Who is to say? It's a complete toss up.

I'll file this as a shining example of why so many people hate the media.

in reply to The Conversation U.S.

which grievances and anxieties do you mean and where is your time machine and do you have to go back to 2015 right away or do you still have time to chat
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

I live in the deep South.

Those anxieties are mostly due to #GOP rule.

Example: Texas and Florida are both complete shitholes after 30 years of GOP misgovernance.

in reply to The Conversation U.S.

Grievances and anxieties? Is that what we call racism these days?
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

"Does Donald Trump understand the grievances and anxieties felt by many urban residents living across the country?"

We're never going to see you publish that.

Your reporting is partisan, slanted towards protecting the Republicans.

Muted. Adios.

in reply to The Conversation U.S.

Do those rural voters understand the people they've been voting for don't give a fucking shit about them?
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

I agree he's no J.D. Vance. Is that the point you're trying to make?
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

Are you fucking kidding me with this dipass sophomoric, superficial analysis? Did you crank it out of an LLM?
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

"But Walz’s challenge is not merely to present a rural-friendly image.

It’s addressing the deeper issues that motivate rural voters, such as economic insecurity, perceived cultural marginalization and distrust in government."

This point might have weight if the party they vote for hadn't been under the singular control of a fascist New York real estate magnate for the last decade.

It's bigotry. They're voting got bigotry. That's it. That's their only issue.

in reply to The Conversation U.S.

He does much more than Trump will ever know from his golden tower paid for by scammers.
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

What is with this insanely biased and leading coverage?

Where are the articles questioning J.D. Vance's suitability as a VP candidate?

I know that CNN, NYT, and WaPo have lowered themselves to this level, but I really expected better from you?

What are you doing?

in reply to The Conversation U.S.

Dafuck, you utter morons? DOES DONALD? Are you REALLY even doing this? WHO are you comparing Walz with? "The Perfect Rural Candidate"? Are you bonkers?!

We already have the NYT doing this shit! You - be better!

in reply to The Conversation U.S.

He has led my state for 6 years and I live in central MN. So I feel qualified to say, yeah he understands. Kids in Red Lake and Aitkin counties, some of the poorest, now have meals thanks to him. He is a Democrat, but he does not demean or shortchange Republicans here. He has been a stable and logic-driven (not ideology driven) leader. Republican donors hate him because he slowed progress on mining near the Boundary Waters.
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

A strange approach to this question.

Walz grew up with the grievances and anxieties, and went on to actually try to solve them.

But the GoP playbook is to stoke those grievances and anxieties and turn them against boogeymen.

This isn't about Walz. It's about the GoP poisoning the rural well.