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There’s a surprising connection between super-competitive workplaces and gender inequality at work. Two behavioral economists looked at the differences between men and women in how they respond to the chance of getting a bonus.

They found that women are less willing to persist in high-stakes tournaments, although they’re equally motivated to start in hopes of a bonus.
#genderequality #business #economics

in reply to The Conversation U.S.

i'm not going to 'compete' for anything at work

i'm either worth a bonus and/or raise or i'm not

incidentally, same for relationships - either you want to be with me or you don't - if you don't 'see ya' but i will NOT bend myself into a pretzel for you or play the 'pick me pick me' dance to get your attention

too all of this nonsense i say 'fuck off'

in reply to The Conversation U.S.

This was found several years ago in wording for recruitment ads. Ads that emphasized competitive environments attracted far fewer women than ads emphasizing supportive environments (eg, a place to grow).