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Get ready for the future of transportation! One company hopes to test out its electric flying taxis at the Paris Olympics.
#transportation #technology #environment

in reply to The Conversation U.S.

This is irresponsible reporting, and is common. In the first paragraph it says: “Transportation arrives ... with minimal environmental impact." Electric modes of transportation may have a small carbon footprint, but the environmental impacts are still significant. Mining for rare earth metals, all the materials (including petroleum based products in all our cars and air vehicles), and we are still very dependent on disruptive energy sources.
in reply to Henry Staples

@hstaples I think the electric engines will be significantly quieter than the fossil-fuel powered ones -- at least that is what the proponents say.
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

I understand the "sell."

Adding noise, however, is not the answer. Adding a "streetscape sound level" above, where no street exists, will not fly in a world where leaf blowers are despised.

in reply to The Conversation U.S.

»Imagine a future with nearly silent air #taxis flying above traffic jams and navigating between skyscrapers and suburban #droneports

Finally we can have it all: traffic jams; plus the buzzing sounds of the rich flying over our heads; plus regular taxis taking people to and from the helipads aka "droneports".

@TheConversationUS, publishing such "articles" is badly hurting your reputation.

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