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#KamalaHarris announced a plan today to expand Medicare's home health care coverage for older Americans in an effort to support the "sandwich generation" caring for both kids and aging parents.

Savings from negotiating drug prices will help fund it.

Here's a quick Q&A with 2 scholars of long-term care, to assess what’s known so far about the plan:

#health #USpolitics #medicare #harris

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in reply to The Conversation U.S.

this would be awesome. A friend of mine has ALS and it costs $700 a week for three days of help. She really needs help every day.
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

I would like to see a lot more unscheduled inspection of assisted living facilites, & an end to part-time staff who work at multiple places each week. That's one reason COVID killed so many elderly.
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

Could we do something more lasting first like covering glasses, dental work and hearing aids?
in reply to Marty Fouts

@MartyFouts In the article it notes that Harris had earlier proposed coverage for routine dental and vision care
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

My grandmother stayed in her accustomed home almost to the end of her life. Familiar surroundings helped her stay oriented and happy even after her memory started to decline.

But she needed at least an hour of personal care a day. If Medicare had covered that, it would have been a big help.