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in reply to Broadwaybabyto

@Broadwaybabyto That's awful.

Does this doctor not know that the main points of spread for original SARS in 2003 were hospitals and clinics? Is he not aware of issues with streptococcus spread in hospitals? Is he not aware that people with illnesses ... have reasons to go to places that treat illnesses?

Hopefully the hospital has better air filtering and overall cleanliness than anywhere else in town, but to think that further precautions against catching an infection are ridiculous is ... ridiculous.

I hope you are able to reprimand this person in some way.

This entry was edited (5 days ago)
in reply to Broadwaybabyto

In my county in WA state, about between 2 and 3% of the people in the county's ERs have been there because of Covid and that's been true for over 3 straight months, so the ER is EXACTLY the place to pick up Covid.
in reply to Infoseepage #StopGazaGenocide

In addition, hospitalization is widely been shown to be an environment where people pick up infections and those hospital acquired infections are shown to substantially increase their risk of morbidity and mortality compared to people who do not get infected while hospitalized. This is well established in medical literature at this point. Your ER doctor there is frankly full of shit and practicing an extremely poor and unethical standard of care. Aerosol hygiene is v. important.
in reply to Broadwaybabyto

So, if I understand this right, after your doctor lied to you about your chances of catching a debilitating and deadly airborne disease in a facility that concentrates sick people, they essentially told you to go kill yourself? That doctor needs to have their medical license revoked. Maybe they can go work in a morgue and deal with everyone they sent there.
in reply to StarkRG

@StarkRG we have become way too blase about recommending MAiD to disabled patients. It gets brought off in the most horrifying of circumstances.

Also what if I were less informed? Many people have white coat syndrome and trust a doctors word completely. They would likely assume there was some special screening in place to ensure they didn’t get covid - and remove their mask. Way too many of us are being infected in healthcare settings

in reply to Broadwaybabyto

@Broadwaybabyto I hate so much that people who are against active euthanasia claim that it would lead to medical staff lazily recommending it over treatment, and then awful people like this have to go and prove them right.

License should be revoked on the spot.
