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Managed to get headless @obsidian to run on a remote non-gui server to use it as "root sync server" for my notes, for terminal editing, cronjobs etc. Might write up a blog post about this soon.

#Notes #NoteTaking #Servers #SelfHosting

Roni Laukkarinen reshared this.

in reply to Roni Laukkarinen

Oh interesting. You're using the Obsidian Sync service with this?
in reply to Roni Laukkarinen

why did you need a "root sync server"? Does their service not work if no other clients are up?

Are you accessing this headless server with VNC so you can run notes remotely/without a client?

in reply to Jorge

They don't have any kind of CLI, API or server.

All files are local. So what I like is regardless of my device it syncs them to my git repo. Otherwise I would have to set up that for all clients I have, including iPhone, my work Mac, etc. I want to have a backup plan.

I also sometimes want to access and edit my notes via SSH on a third party device. This way I can. Otherwise I'd need to install and setup Obsidian every time.

I could of course set up a Syncthing, Dropbox or whatever. But the files get synced only when I use one of the clients.

This entry was edited (4 days ago)
in reply to Roni Laukkarinen

@motoridersd I needed a VNC to set up the sync on the remote server. But I don't use it for anything else. If I edit a file with nano, the GUI app will sync it on the background now that it runs via systemd service "headlessly".
in reply to Roni Laukkarinen

ah ok! Gotcha. I have this setup with SyncThing which works well with Linux and Android, but it is a bit of a hassle to set up when I replace my phone.

I run Syncthing on a headless Linux server that acts as my "master".

I would still love to be able to access my notes from a web browser on my work computer, since I don't want to sync my private files on that device. So that's why I was wondering if you had found a useful remote option.

Thanks for the info!

in reply to Roni Laukkarinen

Where do you blog? It wasn't immediately obvious to me from your profile.