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in reply to Cory Doctorow

Great point: why should workers follow the law when bosses don't? Wildcat strikes all the way up, down and across the world, "essential services" be damned.
in reply to Chuckles ❤️🏳️‍⚧️🇺🇦❤️

@celeduc b/c the main principle of conservatism is the laws protect but do not bind the in-group, and bind but do not protect the out-group.
in reply to wbftw

@wbftw @celeduc In particular, French peasants were not to guillotine lords, but lords could:
- Break peasants on the wheel (most common)
- Hang them
- Burn them at the stake(for heretics and witches)
and occasionally
- Quarter them (horses ripped the peasant into four pieces)
in reply to Cory Doctorow

I'm on a 20+ city book tour for my new novel *Picks and Shovels*.

Catch me in BURBANK TOMORROW (Mar 13) with WIL WHEATON:…

And in SAN DIEGO on Mar 24:

More tour dates here:


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in reply to Cory Doctorow

Last month 😖
Welp, I'm grateful that you're here on 🐘, Mr D
Solidarity & all the very best to you
in reply to Cory Doctorow

> * The internet’s memory problem

So, I clicked here, it took me to BBC sounds, which now says: "We're replacing BBC Sounds outside the UK and bringing you, a seamless way to read, watch, and listen - all in one place."

I remember your rant against BBC sounds when they first set it up. They were going to keep RSS but delay podcasts for weeks unless you used BBC sounds.

It seems like now, only 2 years later, they're keeping BBC sounds for UK residents, but reverting to / switching to for international listeners.…

Apparently though, the RSS feed for the Business Daily podcast still exists and isn't delayed by 2 weeks. You can find it here:…

I'm not quite sure what's going on here. AFAIK, the podcasts I listen to were never delayed, and the RSS feeds for them still work. Maybe there's other stuff that was exclusive to BBC sounds and never had RSS feeds and are now unavailable outside the UK?

Cory Doctorow reshared this.

in reply to Merc

in reply to Merc

@merc The BBC have for some time now had the terrible combination of arse-elbow confusion with regards their output content and distribution means, combined with the fear of upsetting the politicians and UK media outlets that want them shut down.
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in reply to Cory Doctorow

this is why the Rs are taking union-busting to the states with laws like Ohio SB1 aiming to kneecap (first) university collective bargaining units