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"The Republican Party is running two campaigns. One of them is an ugly and angry but conventional political enterprise. The other is psychologically preparing Americans for an assault on the electoral system, a second January 6.”… #uspolitics #uselection #donaldtrump
in reply to Ren Zelen

this really comes across as targeted at people stuck in echo chambers where they don't actually hear what Republicans are saying.

No, this description doesn't bear any relation to what I'm actually hearing from actual Republicans and conservatives.

Ugly and angry? As I'm listening to conservatives these days they come across as kidding themselves about everything being hopeful because they seem to think the country is falling in line behind their offerings. If anything they seem way too positive, not angry and ugly.

They seem out of touch and positive. This article itself ends up sounding ugly and angry, but not capturing what Republicans are actually offering.

in reply to volkris

@volkris Good to get a different viewpoint from someone ‘on the ground’ so to speak.