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in reply to πŸŽ“ Dr. Freemo :jpf: πŸ‡³πŸ‡±

what's your position?

men that are disgusted by other men wearing women-face secretely wanna fuck these men?

so every man is gay?

every man?

yes..every man is disgusted looking at these disgusting people.
they just can't say it, because most men are fucking cowards that fear consequences for speaking the truth.

in reply to mk


My position is anyone who is so messed up int he head and insecure as to need to attack someone for their personal life choices is going to have some very disturbing content in their browsing history.

Some of them may just be riddled with gay and trans porn, im sure. Others are probably demented and sick in other words, who knows what that may be, stuff like porn of people shitting on each other and other stuff.

You cant be that fucked up in the head and have a sane browsing history.

in reply to mk

@mk You need to be more specific as to what you mean by that, are you refering to sex or gender in this context? It appears your using mixed definitions (gender for one word, sex for the other) which makes little sense.
in reply to πŸŽ“ Dr. Freemo :jpf: πŸ‡³πŸ‡±

come leftists fucks lie all the time..

what's another lie to you?

just say no and out yourself as the lying coward you are.

in reply to mk


I'm not a leftist, I'm a centrist. I open carry a 1911 everywhere (including childrens resteraunts) lol. I probably piss off more leftists than you do.

Nice try though.

in reply to mk

@mk I'd be happy to, once you clarify my question so I can answer it. Your question needs to make sense if you want me to answer it.
in reply to mk answer..

go get your next booster, you fucking sheep.

in reply to mk

@mk So your too retarded to even be able to clarify your question enough so I can answer it, got it... as expected from a deranged psychopath.
in reply to πŸŽ“ Dr. Freemo :jpf: πŸ‡³πŸ‡±


a 5 year old would understand the question.

you're actually not retarded enough to get away with acting dumb.

you're just a coward.

in reply to mk


Yes, you are right, i do expect you and a 5 year old to have about the same level of understanding.

in reply to mk


Please have your mental health crisis rant on someone elses page who has time for your psychosis. I do not.

in reply to πŸŽ“ Dr. Freemo :jpf: πŸ‡³πŸ‡±

Can you then explain me what does it mean for you to be a "centrist" πŸ€”
I also favor neutrality on a lot of things, but it is not the result of simply finding some middle ground between two types of zealots i don't like, it's because i am a libertarian. I don't like being a dick to people, because when my worldview shifts to strongly disliking something, it's often the direct result of people being hostile to me. I expect other people to behave similarly, so being a dick to them is inefficient.
in reply to [e/lonely] Owl! πŸ¦‰


A centrist does not imply neutrality. It implies you take the ideas from the left that make sense as wwell as those from the right that make sense and generally you find both in approximately equal proportions. It also means a lot of your ideas will come from neither side but rather be something you form considering the nuance and complexity of the situation and address the valid concerns from both sides.


in reply to πŸŽ“ Dr. Freemo :jpf: πŸ‡³πŸ‡±

Says the guy refusing to address any concerns at all.
Centrists continue to be the biggest hypocrites.
in reply to Zergling_man


Whatever hallucination you need to tell yourself. I have made it quite clear I will be happy to address any concerns. I only asked for clarity on what was being asked, not remotely the same thing.

@lonelyowl13 @mk

in reply to Zergling_man try this

If you want to close your eyes to the pedophilia at the core of the fag movement, that's fine. You'll die in a ditch like that.
in reply to πŸŽ“ Dr. Freemo :jpf: πŸ‡³πŸ‡±

I don't think I have that enabled, fedii works fine.

yun-wuxin:[wisknort]:~$ grep fedii .bashrc
function fedii { curl -sLH "Accept:application/activity+json" $1 | jq; }
