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This is the Hungarian company BAC that Taiwan’s Gold Apollo says manufactured the pagers¹ used in yesterday’s terrorist attack by Israel (the original page was taken down):

According to their projects page, they were/are also an expert evaluator for @EUCommission where they “Drafted various Evaluation Reports” and “Participated in Expert Meetings.”



#BAC #pagers #terroristAttack #Israel #Lebanon #EU #EUCommission

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in reply to Aral Balkan

“Reached by phone on Wednesday, BAC Consulting chief executive Cristiana Bársony-Arcidiacono confirmed that her company worked with Gold Apollo. But when asked about the pagers and the explosions, she said, “I don’t make the pagers. I am just the intermediate. I think you got it wrong.”

Hsu of Gold Apollo said he also felt he had been victimized and was considering filing a lawsuit.

“I am a businessman,” he said. “How did I get involved in this attack?”

in reply to Aral Balkan

Someone in one of my replies earlier provided a link showing that BAC are registered at the UK Companies House, which seems at the very least interesting.
in reply to Aral Balkan

oh yes, everyone passes the responsibility. And on and on it goes.
in reply to Aral Balkan

Clearly, the product was NOT used in accordance with the Terms of Service, right?

Manufacturers of nails, nuts and ball bearings can't really be held responsible when their products are being used in a pipe bomb.

Responsibility must lie squarely with the party who added explosives to the pagers, then sent the command to detonate. It seems we have a good idea about who that is.

in reply to Tormod

@airwhale The question is more who along the supply chain was compromised and how. It could well have been the shipping company, etc. But at some point, the shipment was intercepted. And, unless the entity at that point was itself compromised (eg., via employees) it’s valid to ask where the supply chain was compromised, how it was compromised, and whether or not any other parties were complicit and, if so, who they are.