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“In what world can an organisation seriously think it is all right to run a prominent cancer event, bringing together world experts, while also taking sponsorship from a company whose product has caused millions of cancer deaths worldwide? Absolutely shocking.”

Ooh, ooh, ooh, I know the answer to this one: in the tech world!

#AccessNow #RightsCon #CPDP #NordicPrivacyArena #FOSDEM #etc #privacyWashing #tech #humanRights #institutionalCorruption

in reply to Aral Balkan

it's wild that rich ppl acting offended at the implication they'd do something for money works

>"Why would I do anything for money? I'm rich!"
"But you DID take the money, right?"
>"I hardly see how that's relevant. What's a gift between friends?"
"...So you're saying he's an old friend? AND he paid you?"
>"Look, it was a gift, we went to school together, he helped get me my first job out of-"
"So you help each other out?"
>"This interview is OVER. You'll be hearing from my lawyers."

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