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The feature is not fully functional yet (do not use it yet) but this is the first time it’s been possible to point a custom domain to a Small Web¹ place running a Kitten² app that was originally set up by Domain³.

This upcoming feature (should have it fully operational tomorrow 🤞) alongside full backup + restore (already functional) = data portability.


#SmallWeb #Kitten #Domain #dataPortability #interoperability

in reply to Aral Balkan

Tell us more! Could you give us end users a few use case examples?
in reply to Strange Culprits

@strangeculprits Ah, so it means that eventually you’ll be able to set up your web place in about 10 seconds at a domain host like (eg. but if you want to, later, you can point a custom domain to it (eg., Also, since it’s all free and open and you can export your data, you can also move it to any other host/server/or even a tiny single-board computer hooked up your router at home :)
in reply to Aral Balkan

Thank you for the concise and intelligible description! We're looking at setting up our own fan club site, so definitely bookmarking this