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Bet Hitler’s turning in his grave right now: “Fuck man, I should’ve called ’em ‘gated communities’ and it’d all have been fine.”

Leave it to these fuckers to rebrand slavery as “extended unpaid internships” next.

#israel #UK #UnitedKingdom #palestine #gaza #apartheid #ethnicCleansing #genocide #concentrationCamps #gatedCommunities…

The #unitedkingdom military won’t have to be the commandants of Israel’s new concentration camps for #Gaza because private #UK military contractors — who will be accountable to no one but their shareholders — will run the private prisons.
in reply to Aral Balkan

Ironically, if Hitler had been captured and not executed, he would likely have spent the rest of his life in a "gated community" (less figuratively, das Gefängnis in German).

Maybe we can tell Trump, depending on what sentence the New York court imposes, that he's being given a vacation at taxpayer's expense in a "gated community". Since he's a former president and claims to be a billionaire, we can give him a cell with solid gold bars and other fixtures, provide he pays for it.