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A couple of command-line tools I’ve recently switched to using:

- yazi as file manager instead of lf (fast and, for me at least, more intuitive and better handles default editor)

- ouch for compression/decompression from CLI instead of getting the fucking unintuitive flags wrong every fucking time

(Thanks to @orhun for the recent link to Terminal Trove for the new finds.)

#cli #commands #utilities #commandLine #tui #terminal

in reply to Aral Balkan

I freaking so need to actually "Learn" Linux.


in reply to Brother Soul

@brothersoul Just use it, it’s the best way to learn (and these tools are all available cross-platform so you can use them on a Mac, etc.)

And if you’re on Windows, you can always dip your toe in using WSL.


in reply to Aral Balkan

PS. I’m running fish shell, so I also added a couple of abbreviations (I use abbreviations when I don’t want to type out the original command but I also don’t want to forget it):

abbr --add --global compress 'ouch compress'
abbr --add --global decompress 'ouch decompress'

Also note that Yazi has a function to let you switch to the folder you’re in when you exit:

(I have regular Yazi aliased – in this case an alias makes more sense – to ff and the cd version to cc.)

in reply to Aral Balkan

one thing you can do is have a function to echo out the original command.

Typing the shortcut. You then see in STDOUT the command, and it’s execution output.

There has to be a way. Way back ago, I had this in my synchronized ~/.bashrc to all VMs I managed. Fish must have a way to achieve this with a few functions

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Aral Balkan

I finally memorised `tar xvfz` after 15 years of using Linux, are you telling me it was all for nothing?!

Love yazi, btw. I've gone from ranger to nnn to fff to lf to yazi, and yazi is my favourite so far.

in reply to Aral Balkan

Have you tried nnn or even nnn-nerd

bash fish and zsh configurations built-in


in reply to Aral Balkan

I didn't know about Terminal Trove, and it's the best compilation of tools I have seen in a long time. So thank you very much for sharing this 🙂
in reply to Aral Balkan

I'm using Fedora 40 as my main toolbox container on a Fedora Silverblue host. I'd like to try this out, integrating it in the main toolbox but, unfortunately, the package is not available in the distribution's package manager. What's the best way to install it and keep it up-to-date with minimal fuss? I'm unfamiliar with the Rust toolchain. Is installing, say, rustup a good way to go about managing Rust packages? Reference:
in reply to minimaxheadroom

@minimaxheadroom Yeah, Rust/cargo is perfect for Silverblue. I installed the rust tool chain in a distrobox VM and just install rust tools with cargo and they’re also available on my host (I work on the host) as they’re installed in your user account. It’s a much better workflow than fling everything in a container imho.
in reply to Aral Balkan

are you `distrobox export`'ing the containerized tools to your host piecemeal, then? Or, perhaps, defining all that in a manifest file to pass to distrobox-assemble: ? Share your tech nuggets, oh wise one :)
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to minimaxheadroom

@minimaxheadroom Haha, I wouldn’t say wise. I just use export on an ad hoc basis. Can post the command when I’m back at my desk tomorrow if you like :)
in reply to Aral Balkan

sure, that couldn't hurt. Unrelated, but are you often using a host terminal for your work versus working inside a toolbox environment directly?
in reply to minimaxheadroom

@minimaxheadroom Sure, it’s, e.g.,

distrobox-export --bin (which fastfetch) --export-path ~/.local/bin

(Replace fastfetch with whatever is the name of the binary you just installed.)

Cool thing about Rust apps is you don’t need this step. (Although you will need to specify the full path to them if using with sudo.)

On to your other question: I work exclusively within the host and only use a container to install/build stuff.