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Folks, this is a deceptive design pattern. There is a very clear third option here (keep me updated on this campaign’s progress only) that is not implemented for marketing reasons.

I expect better from a platform that exists to effect ‘progressive change across Ireland’.

#ireland #uplift #deceptiveDesign

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Aral Balkan

the cycle of virtuous design

in reply to Aral Balkan

You'd think they'd do a better job by providing that third option because it's an A/B switch sorting which email addresses are more receptive to a wider number of issues and which ones need more focused messaging. Literally worth more money to campaigns to know this.
in reply to Aral Balkan

The Fallacy of the Middle, made into a marketing strategy.

My policy for several years now has been to select the closest match to, "Never contact me in any way ever again for any reason." Somehow, the information I really need to have finds its way to me anyway.

in reply to Aral Balkan

plus there's an obvious and simpler design pattern using one check box for each of "this campaign" and "Uplift". This amazing design pattern even scales to more than 2 entities, it's as if it had been designed for their use case!
in reply to Bruno Girin

@brunogirin Amazing the things you can do when you’re not trying to force people to sign up for all your notifications when they just want to be notified about one specific thing :)
in reply to Aral Balkan

what a job, they are even deceiving themselves since this forces people to unsubscribe from everything, rather than following at least the campaign they are interested in.