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in reply to Darth Kilroy

@Darth Kilroy @stux⚡
All other products.

Because... this products are broken by design... sorry... subscription and all this is part of the product... so they are broken. Broken by design.

in reply to stux⚡

I'm not sure when that video was created and know that Adobe was supposed to have updated their update due to pushback, but am unsure how that went.

I'd cancel via phone and maybe have a talk with my cc.

in reply to stux⚡

I stopped using Adobe (Lightroom) months ago. Glad I did. This is disgusting.
in reply to stux⚡

Hopefully some of this shit is null if you save all the documents outside their cloud, as we do at work. (Unless they covertly “save” documents in their cloud without your knowledge or consent, that is...which honestly I would be surprised if they do.)

#adobe #GreedWare

in reply to stux⚡

I dropped Adobe PDF reader many years ago.
Seemed to want an update every few weeks with no obvious improvements on each update. Made me suspicious.

Foxit has better functionality in the free version, well it did at the time I started using it.
Can add text and signatures in free version

in reply to stux⚡

#Urheberrecht #Softwarerecht #AGB #GDPDR

#Adobe: neue #AGB mit deutschem und europäischen Recht noch vereinbar--insbesondere während eines noch laufenden Softwaremietvertrags?

Cc @stux

I didn’t know #Adobe went this far..

So one can’t even cancel their subscription without agreeing

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to stux⚡

unable to unsubscribe from Adobe’s payments sounds illegal and they should be charged for the crime. People can tell credit cards companies to stop paying Adobe and Adobe would be faced with payment penalties for doing this dumb thing.
in reply to stux⚡

No one can cancel without agreeing? LAWSUIT.
in reply to stux⚡

The last time, i used Adobe products was in the mid 2000...
Acrobat Reader i used some years longer... but the last time was almost 10 years+ ago...
in reply to stux⚡

Seems Adobe needs to be taken several notches down.

This is outrageous, monopolistic behavior.

in reply to stux⚡

paying the monthly subscription and never owning the software is also insane but here we are with no REAL viable alternatives especially with the plugins many of us require. Photoshop is good software - adobe is evil
in reply to stux⚡

Am I the only one who sees bad UX, lack of testing and general meh-ness of the company as a cause of this rather than intentional malice?
in reply to stux⚡

i have been using the same, cracked, version of photoshop and illustrator CS6 on my pre-osX mac for quite a while now. they work as good as anything else, for what i use them for...
in reply to stux⚡

Joe Biden is suing Adobe over this shite.

Pass it on.