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Footage from #HarrisWalz visit to working volunteers at #Pennsylvania call center. Boy, do I respect the organizers and volunteers making those calls.

cc @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews

in reply to Heidi Li Feldman

phone banking twenty years ago stressed me out so much I can’t bring myself to do it anymore, but it gave me massive respect for the folks who do.
in reply to Michael Wyman

@mwyman I've phone banked and walk precincts, but at 68 I no longer have the patience for the former or the stamina for the latter. But godspeed to those who do!
in reply to Bruce Mirken

@BruceMirken @mwyman
Text banking and post carding is pretty low key. And it's a great way to expand turnout.
There are more than 60 million qualified citizens who are not registered to vote. And more than two thirds of them have NEVER been invited to register. Send 25 texts a day from now until the deadlines and YOU can make 2 new voters for Harris, or Sherrod Brown or Jon Tester. We saw how turnout transforms elections in 2018, 2020, and 2022.
Register Democrats.
Save the World.
in reply to Distant Replay

@distantreplay @mwyman On principle I won't text strangers. I hate getting political texts and think it's an obnoxious tactic.
in reply to Bruce Mirken

@BruceMirken @distantreplay 100%. I hate political texts and my biggest pet peeve is that any political giving elicits an avalanche of texts from multiple candidates asking for money.
in reply to Michael Wyman

@mwyman @distantreplay Yes. Emails, too, but those are less intrusive and annoying, at least to me. I made a bunch of contributions this cycle, but I won't give to any candidate who sends me unsolicited texts.
in reply to Bruce Mirken

@BruceMirken @mwyman @distantreplay Over a decade of typing STOP or having to follow Unsubscribe links due to a handful of donations toward Obama.

As someone already overwhelmed by messaging, it totally soured me to contributing monetarily.

Even now I'm anxious about the next decade of spam I'll be getting for donating this year, but it seemed too critical not to contribute.

Fuck act blue, though. They might be doing a good thing, but in the shittiest, most abusive ways possible.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Jack Linke 🦄

@jack @BruceMirken @mwyman @distantreplay
It is the separate campaigns. If you keep saying STOP and UNSUBSCRIBE in emails, they eventually end. I have gotten rid of almost all of mine except for the specific things I donated to. I was getting texts from House candidates from every state constantly. The campaigns should target their state, not nationwide.
in reply to lin11c

@lin11c @jack @BruceMirken @mwyman @distantreplay

In some cases, these texts are disinformation or scams.

There have been instances where rival campaigns will flood their opponent's supporters (or really, anyone) with messages because it's annoying, and they want to dampen enthusiasm/depress interest.

In other cases, it's phishing/malware distribution.

And - theoretically - it could be both!

So, yeah - attribution is hard, and it's not always possible to see the source without more digging

in reply to funnymonkey

@funnymonkey @jack @BruceMirken @mwyman @distantreplay
Oh sure. Scammers will use every avenue available. That's why no one should ever contribute to anything that isn't run through Act Blue to be safe.