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Here's an open secret: the confusing jargon of finance is not the product of some inherent complexity that requires a whole new vocabulary. Rather, finance-talk is all obfuscation, because if we called finance tactics by their plain-language names, it would be obvious that the sector exists to defraud the public and loot the real economy.


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in reply to Cory Doctorow AFK TIL MID-SEPT

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in reply to Cory Doctorow AFK TIL MID-SEPT

I guess now's a better time than never to say I looked at 'The Bezzle' in an essay about the power of stories to chip away at bullshit language set by people in power:

Trying to do my bit.

in reply to Cory Doctorow AFK TIL MID-SEPT

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in reply to Cory Doctorow AFK TIL MID-SEPT

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in reply to Cory Doctorow AFK TIL MID-SEPT

How difficult would it be (in terms of loopholes / unintended consequences that would need to be cut off) for the law to be changed such that passive index funds have to allow their investors to participate in those votes somehow? At a minimum by holding a parallel vote to decide what the fund will vote for.
in reply to Dark Sage Torunka :verified:

@kmeisthax I don't think that's the right approach, because it doesn't strike at the root of the problem, which is the entire structure of PE. They have billions to spend on subverting this kind of regulation, and stand to make hundreds of billions doing so. Far better to *ban* PE, e.g. through banning divi recaps, special dividends, etc. We could also force chartered banks to tighten lending criteria to make debt financing impossible.
in reply to Cory Doctorow AFK TIL MID-SEPT

Another issue is the role exotic financial instruments play in driving economy-destroying public policy.

Example 1.
In the 2008 global financial crash, a concatenation of greed, the corruption of the teaching of economics by private interests like #KochNetwork, regulatory capture, conflicts of interest like revolving door recruiting between agency & industry, complicit ratings agencies, and exotic financial instruments like credit default swaps, mortgage...


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in reply to Cory Doctorow AFK TIL MID-SEPT

So true, @pluralistic

"the confusing jargon of finance is not the product of some inherent complexity that requires a whole new vocabulary. Rather, finance-talk is all obfuscation"

#Economics #PoliEcon

in reply to Cory Doctorow AFK TIL MID-SEPT

if your beef is with leveraged buyouts, I fully agree they should not be allowed. Finance has existed as long as money has (as money can be considered as a form of debt) so unless you abolish money (which has been tried) perhaps rules to prevent people from being taken advantage of are necessary.
in reply to Cory Doctorow AFK TIL MID-SEPT

LBOs still make me think of Michael Milken, Barbarians at the Gate, and Other People's Money. Of course, the last was a Hollywood movie with a happyish ending that doesn't exist in real life, but it explains how the scam works in an easy 103 minutes.

And instead of being made illegal in the 30 years since LBOs tanked the Poppy Bush economy, they've been normalized at internet speed. #Enshittification

in reply to Cory Doctorow AFK TIL MID-SEPT

I'd say the same is true of the majority of economics too, just more indirectly and on a larger scale.
in reply to always tired

That is not an antisemetic caricature; it's an altered *Puck* cover from 2/2,/1910, commemorating J Pierpont Morgan- literally the most goyishe banker in history - and the world's first billion dollar bank merger. That's Morgan.

Making the finance sector out to be diabolical is not antisemitic. Assuming that all unflattering caricatures of bankers are secretly unflattering caricatures of Jews is a) historically unsupportable; b) unproductive; and c) nuts.


A Jew

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in reply to Cory Doctorow AFK TIL MID-SEPT


Amortization: how much money we are going to fine you for being so poor you have to borrow money.

in reply to Cory Doctorow AFK TIL MID-SEPT

You illustrate the thread with a picture that tells a highly antisemitic story.

Hopefully, the text below is less antisemitic.

in reply to Amin Negm-Awad🇪🇺🌴🇺🇸🥥

@RA_Negm If you think that J Pierpont Morgan (pictured here) is Jewish, or that demonizing the finance sector is antisemitic, then you are wrong, and likely to be disappointed by my work.


A Jew.

in reply to Amin Negm-Awad🇪🇺🌴🇺🇸🥥

@RA_Negm I categorically reject the idea that criticizing the finance sector - including through visual shorthand that paints bankers as demons, giants, etc - is antisemitic.

You are making a category error, in assuming that because antisemites employ a visual shorthand, the shorthand itself is antisemitic.

in reply to Cory Doctorow AFK TIL MID-SEPT

An antisemitic editorial cartoon might depict a cop standing on a beach, blowing a whistle and holding up a white-gloved hand as shorthand for "stop" (directed, say, at boats with migrants).

That doesn't make a cop holding out a hand and blowing a whistle antisemitic. It makes it a common visual shorthand (which is why antisemites use it).

On the other hand, equating negative depictions of bankers to negative depictions of Jews IS incredibly, viciously antisemitic.

in reply to Cory Doctorow AFK TIL MID-SEPT

@RA_Negm Nazis play this game (for example, by claiming that holding up jugs of milk is a white supremacist symbol, based on the fallacy that the gene for digesting lactose emerged solely in northern Europe) (in reality, all herding people on every continent have this gene). The fact that they *claim* milk is white supremacist doesn't make milk white supremacist (see also the Nazi pretense that the OK hand-gesture is a Nazi symbol).
in reply to Cory Doctorow AFK TIL MID-SEPT

@RA_Negm The fact that they play this game doesn't mean *we* have to play this game. It's a petty, distracting obvious ploy, and it makes people hallucinate antisemitism where it doesn't exist (e.g. in a remixed, 115-year-old image of a Gentile banker), at the expense of actual, substantive work.
in reply to Cory Doctorow AFK TIL MID-SEPT

@RA_Negm Accordingly, this is my last word on the subject. Explaining all the ways in which you are hallucinating isn't a productive use of my time (and I'm anticipating that you're going to ignore all this and post something else defensive, indicating that this is a waste of your time, too).

This isn't Kabbalah. Antisemitic symbols aren't hidden in century-old editorial cartoons criticizing finance sector consolidation.

Nazis don't hide their intention. They're quite plain about it.

in reply to Cory Doctorow AFK TIL MID-SEPT

A devil with typical seuite and hat grabbing the world is the #1 NS symbol for "jewish gloibalists". For more than 100 years.
in reply to Cory Doctorow AFK TIL MID-SEPT

Because you can imagine antoher antisemitic steroetype, the cartoon you choosed isnb't antisemitic?

Wow, I really don't have to read your thread.

in reply to Cory Doctorow AFK TIL MID-SEPT

are you kidding me?
The argument about the real economy vs financial economy is literally the “schaffendes” vs. “raffendes” Kapital of the National socialists from the 1930s. Structurally antisemitic and bad enough.
But you thought “maybe that isn’t on the nose enough, let’s add some primary antisemitism in form of an illustration”.
Your analysis of society wasn’t great when we talked ten years ago at cbase berlin, but this is really beyond. What on earth were you thinking?!
in reply to Nicolai von Neudeck 🤒🤕

@vonneudeck Oh sure, those notorious Nazis who divided finance capital from the real economy like Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, Emma Goldman, and Abbie Hoffman.

And those notorious antisemetic caricaturists who depicted bankers as devils, like the Jewish Forward, the Bundists, and other Jewish anarchists and socialists.

in reply to Cory Doctorow AFK TIL MID-SEPT

The fact that you've nursed a grudge for a decade (!?) over an imaginary conversation (I've never set foot in C-Base) is weird and off-putting.

But this nonsense? It's disqualifying. Bye now.

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in reply to Cory Doctorow AFK TIL MID-SEPT

differentiating between finance capital and factory capital because they are taking care of different aspects of capitalism is something very different from implying that one is unproductive and has no useful function in capitalism.

Your stuff isn’t what Marx did, no matter how much you want to believe that. It’s Strasserism, nothing more.

And just because the בונד or the פאָרווערטס used some antisemitic Bildsprache in the past — if they did — does not make yours not antisemitic.

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