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Seems like a big omission not to mention that he also specifically said there would not be another election in 4 years if he wins. #HarrisForPresident
in reply to Rod Hilton

Also worth pointing out it is the second time he's done so.

If I were on the Harris campaign, I wound intercut those two videos with the one of Pence talking about how Trump is unfit for office since he tried to violate the constitution by stealing the election, and dump millions into running it.

He went from distancing himself from 2025 to explicitly stating he intended to seize power indefinitely and suspend elections. Get the fuck on this.

in reply to Rod Hilton

if the Harris campaign would keep repeating wouldn’t people write it off as he’s not actually going to do it & they’re just smearing him but would also normalise the idea to some extent.

Using clips of him saying it I think is better then he’s saying it rather than being smeared.

* it’s obviously not a smear as it’s true I’m meaning more the perception of it.

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