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The Ozark Splash ride at the abandoned Six Flags New Orleans park

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in reply to Abandoned America

I sure do hate plugging stuff but I worked really hard on the new podcast about Six Flags New Orleans (with guest Jake Williams, director of the "Closed For Storm" documentary about it, no less), and it's not like I make any money off it, so you know what? Go listen to it and learn about the United States' biggest, spookiest abandoned amusement park.
in reply to Abandoned America

You'll get the satisfaction of learning about a really interesting and tragic place, and I'll get the satisfaction of seeing people are actually listening to this thing and I'm not wasting my time. It's a win/win situation!
in reply to Andrew Feeney

@andrewfeeney I do, and thanks! In my humble opinion it's about some pretty interesting stuff but having only had it out for less than a year, I'm still trying to get people to know it even exists ❤️
in reply to Abandoned America

I’m excited to listen to it but I won’t be able to until mid-March but I can tell from your photos that you work very hard and the results are beautiful.
in reply to Betsy

@Studio_Gal thanks so much, and I hope when you get to it you enjoy it! The website's always there if you're short on time 😊
in reply to Abandoned America

I’ve never listened to a podcast before, but this looks awesome. I love this type of topic
in reply to BrisVegas

@BrisVegas thanks so much, I hope you enjoy it if you do listen. I'll tell you a secret, I don't listen to many podcasts either, just one or two that I really like
in reply to Abandoned America

Looking forward to listening to this. The “Life and Death of the American Mall” was great!
in reply to Neil Gaiman

@neilhimself oh my gosh, what an honor, I am speechless! Thank you! I hope you enjoy it!
in reply to Abandoned America

On a whim, maybe 20 yrs back, I took the kids to House on the Rock. Very very weird vibes, absolutely the kind of place that would connect through to the upside-down or whatever it’s called in American Gods
in reply to Abandoned America

I had to check — it appears to still be in operation
in reply to Brandon

@Brandon thanks and well... I mean... he's just awesome! I remember reading Sandman in high school and learning to sketch drawing the characters. I'm a bit flabbergasted tbh
in reply to Abandoned America

your work is pretty consonant tonally, I could see a place you've covered turning up as a setting in a @neilhimself piece very naturally
in reply to Mr. Completely

@mrcompletely thank you, that would be incredible. They would make fantastic fiction settings, I agree
in reply to Abandoned America

Please plug away. You worked hard and people might enjoy it. I don't understand the people who complain about plugs
in reply to John Cutting

@jcutting thanks John! That's my hope too but I don't want people to feel like I'm being pushy ❤️
in reply to Abandoned America

Some people might feel that way, but I'm excited to find new artists and creative people here. I've found some amazing things there all through word of mouth and self-promotion instead of whatever the algorithms of other platforms deigned to show me. I find it really fascinating and beautiful... Like the original promise of the internet
in reply to John Cutting

@jcutting thank you, that's how I feel too. It's nice to be in a place that isn't ruled by some manchild technocrat
in reply to Abandoned America

please do plug stuff, how else would I find cool stuff if people didn't plug it?
in reply to Karin!

@nirak that's my hope but I feel like I'm being annoying if mention it too much, but if I don't nothing happens
in reply to Abandoned America

I really enjoyed watching #ClosedForStorm this evening, so thanks for bringing my attention to it. I’m adding this episode to my podcast queue!

Not sure if you got to this in the podcast, but the city of #NewOrleans has recently agreed to terms with one of the developers from the doc. #Jazzland may finally be on it’s way to being restored! (Trying to channel some cautious optimism 😅)
in reply to Austin :fdl:

@riverrat I didn't listen to the podcast but I'm aware they're more optimistic than they were just two months ago. IDK, I talked about that in my podcast interview with the director of Closed For Storm but honestly I'm not holding my breath until ground is broken, not to sound cynical but there have been so many false starts here
in reply to Abandoned America

I don’t think it’s cynical at all given the track record here. We are rapidly approaching 20 years of inaction, after all!

I’m not holding my breath, but I am crossing my fingers.
in reply to Abandoned America

I have a very hard time keeping up with any podcasts, to the point that I’ve pretty much stopped entirely. But I really want to hear this episode, so off to Podcasts I go… Thank you again for your amazing photo posts!
in reply to John Keller

thanks so much, and I know the feeling, there are about a million books, shows, podcasts, etc that I want to keep up with but can't - but if you are able, I hope you enjoy it!
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to haliphax 👾

@haliphax aw, thanks so much! I was kind of nervous about it so that means a lot
in reply to Abandoned America

I've enjoyed it all so far, back to the first episode. Your viewpoint wonderfully balances reverence, outrage, curiosity, and hopefulness while incorporating the communities directly involved in the spaces you discuss. Two very enthusiastic thumbs up. 👍👍

Abandoned America reshared this.

in reply to Abandoned America

@haliphax I didn’t know you had a podcast! Instant subscribe, and what looks like an amazing backlog to work through. I love your photography too, really looking forward to your audio.
in reply to haliphax 👾

@haliphax wow, I really appreciate that. It's so strange because when you make stuff like that you really have no idea how it comes across or whether it hits the mark. This makes me feel a lot better about the time and effort I've invested in it 😊
in reply to Abandoned America

...I always seem to use the podcast link that's right there in your newsletter, so, happily plugging that for anyone else that enjoys convenience and reminders, lol😁 The Six Flags episode had me imagining a place like that in *my* backyard... it would be like living on a Last of Us set, or on the pages of a Kunstler novel. Kinda jealous.

Abandoned America reshared this.

in reply to Julie Robb🏠

@SpatiallyWired thanks Julie! I appreciate it. And thanks for listening, I agree, I think it would be amazing to live by Six Flags but when your property value is next to nothing bc of it I'm sure it's aggravating. Something I hadn't really considered before. Maybe it's the property value system that is wrong
in reply to Abandoned America

What a metaphor for so much of what American society has become today.
in reply to Alistair K

@libroraptor you gotta click that link and read the article, there's a fair amount about that!
in reply to Abandoned America

I'm almost afraid to ask, but how many mosquito bites did you get during this shot?
in reply to chandler

@chandlerman you know, I was there in November so it was pretty tolerable IIRC. Not great but tolerable
in reply to Abandoned America

Lucky you!

At one time or another, I've gotten chewed up all across the Gulf Coast pretty much year round
in reply to chandler

@chandlerman it's funny, that's a 404 error in my memory right there. Maybe it was bad? It seems like it would be?
in reply to Abandoned America

It's a gorgeous picture, but I felt like I needed to reach for some Off just looking at it! 😂

If they hadn't had a long, hard freeze yet that year, unless someone was spraying/treating that water, it would have been mosquito heaven.
Unknown parent

Abandoned America
@jakob thanks for the suggestion, I'm familiar with it, but I'm at where I want to be at right now 😊
in reply to Abandoned America

That log flume picture is truly terrifying. Imagining a fetid pool with no native fish to consume the insects and algae. Ugh. Great pic!

I know the Proper People stomped those grounds and got busted by security on one of those visits. Was it intense when you went?
in reply to ShawnT 🐀

@phaysis yeah, the water was really gross and also I was pretty worried about alligators. I had permission though so at least I didn't have to worry about security, they're the ones who let me in
Unknown parent

Abandoned America
@ElizabethLeeCo I came close, let me tell you
Unknown parent

Abandoned America
@ElizabethLeeCo yeah I just went up to tell my wife so we could both OMFG over it 😄
in reply to Abandoned America

That is just an amazing photo; I immediately thought of how things looked in Logan’s Run. So maybe it’s all the more sad and even shocking to think that this is a contemporary photo, and the result of just over 15 years of neglect.
in reply to John Keller

@johninparis it is pretty wild to think of how fast things like this are obliterated. Time doesn't wait for anyone, that's for sure
in reply to Abandoned America

Neat! Years ago the park was also explored by the team from The Proper People
Unknown parent

Abandoned America
@quotesofnote thanks so much for being understanding. Gotta get the word out there somehow, I'm just not a fan of promoting even though I don't mind other people doing it ❤️
Unknown parent

Abandoned America
@quotesofnote I'll work on that. Even so, I'm kind of a reserved person by nature so it's hard to try to get people's attention because honestly I'm pretty fine with not having it irl
in reply to Abandoned America

in reply to Pete

@pgv thank you, that's a very positive way of looking at it ❤️
Unknown parent

Abandoned America
@quotesofnote thanks so much, I'm honored 🥰
in reply to Abandoned America

I suddenly find myself wondering which company is the world leader in building or operating eventually abandoned properties.