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"Kamala #Harris won the #debate not with a line but a look - mixing barely suppressed laughter with utter pathos at the fall of an unhinged 78-year-old

Her Perry Mason moment made #Trump look like every Fox News grandpa, not an ex-POTUS

How KDH made an ex-POTUS sound like your Fox News-addled uncle

My debate column"

If @willbunch wrote it, you should read it.© & I thread it. 🧵 1/...
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in reply to Laffy

2/ "But here’s the thing that I — and probably most of the 70 million or so Americans watching on TV — will remember long after we cast our ballots in November.

The look.

For 100 gobsmacking minutes, the Californian who would be America’s first woman president was all of us, as the split screen showed Harris’ highly expressive face ranging from bemused puzzlement to barely suppressed laughter to blinking eyeballs of shock..."

in reply to Laffy

3/ "There’s no ques that the poised & prosecutorial VP won the debate — as reflected in almost every instant poll (63%-37% in CNN’s flash survey), focus group (a 23-2 rout for Harris in a WaPo gathering), & virtually every pundit, but for a few MAGA diehards. At the So. Philly watch party, liberal-leaning crowd giggled & occasionally broke into an uproarious laugh track at Trump’s answers, which made what was supposed to be a momentous night feel like watching a rerun of The Beverly Hillbillies"
in reply to Laffy

4/ "But whether this was enough to move the needle in a nation that is tribally & hopelessly divided 50-50 on barely moveable fault lines from educ'l attainment to geog remains to be seen. It was clear from opening handshake that the debate strategy concocted by a Democratic former district attorney was less about her upbeat but mostly vague middle-class agenda & more about baiting Trump to incriminate himself on the witness stand, with the unbearable lightness of his nonsensical agenda & lies"
in reply to Laffy

5/ "When Harris goaded Trump that his beloved campaign rallies are actually incoherent when they’re not totally boring, she got her Perry Mason moment...

The tirade about QAnon-level internet conspiracy theories about Springfield, OH was debunked in real time—& kudos to him— by David Muir, & there’s also a richer irony. Throughout Trump’s endless time in pub eye, he revealed himself as a sociopathic dog hater, even falling back on a line that someone “choked like a dog” as his fiercest insult"

in reply to Laffy

6/ "As someone known to sometimes file his column from a Delaware County dog park, I can assure you that canine choking is another Trump-fried fiction. Dogs don’t actually choke, but Donald Trump did Tuesday night in front of 70 million people."
in reply to Laffy

7/ "“I’ve seen people on television,” a humiliated Trump insisted to Muir.

No wonder that America’s most popular woman — especially with young voters that Harris needs to fire up by November — took to Instagram the moment the debate ended to post her endorsement. Taylor Swift wrote that Harris is a “steady-handed, gifted leader and I believe we can accomplish so much more in this country if we are led by calm and not chaos.”

in reply to Laffy

8/ "...Policy stuff wasn’t what really mattered at the end of the night. Under the white lights of the South Philly tap room, the mostly millennial and very urban debate watch crowd told me again and again that what won the debate for Harris was her command of the room — which came across the second she strolled over to the recalcitrant Trump and forcefully shook his hand, booming out “Kamala” with the right pronunciation — and her poise that never wavered."
in reply to Laffy

9/9 "“I think she won in the first five minutes — her demeanor, her presence in being so beautiful and young. And him? ... ehhh,” added Julia Angstrom, a 68-year-old retiree and former Democratic committee person, the next voter I spoke with. Then she and about 200 other watchers drifted away into the darkness of Washington Avenue, convinced — just like Taylor Swift — they had just seen the 47th president of the United States, Kamala’s version."

Please read the entire column.

in reply to Laffy

Kamala Harris will be the 1st Woman President
The Trumpite Mob is going to be pissed
The GOP will make the New Presidents job very difficult
We have to Give this nation some critical help
Elect more Representatives & Senators
This Job of Governing is not easy
Of the people, by the people & for the people is very tall order
We have survived 2 World wars and years of conflict and disputes
America is worth the fighting for it
The Politics of this Nation is everybody's Business