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I have a playlist on Soundcloud of my own original rock music and I’d love for you to check it out, preferably on some good speakers, up loud. I’m really proud of this, and would love to hear what you think.

If you have “I like music” in your profile, you must listen. It’s the law!! 🫶

Boosts very much appreciated! 🤗

#Dgar #DgarMusic #Playlist #Indie #Rock #Music #Pop #Dgarheads

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Dgar

Your music is exactly as you describe it.
The sound quality on a HiFi system is excellent.
Very impressive.

That said, I dislike installing new apps just for listening, in particular ones like #SoundCloud that ask intrusive required profiling questions like age and gender merely for signing up and where you easily and up signing up for an unwanted, self-renewing trial period.
(I'll probably uninstall this one after listening.)

in reply to HistoPol (#HP)

@HistoPol Soundcloud is the origin for my music. You should be able to find my music on any streaming platform of your choice, although not everything on Soundcloud has been released to all the streamy places yet. I also allow downloads from Soundcloud where you can get the original full quality wav file and convert it to the format of your choice, and store and play on any device you want.
I’m really happy that you enjoy the music and I thank you for taking the time to listen, especially considering the inconvenience of signing up to Soundcloud. Big appreciation! 🫶

HistoPol (#HP) reshared this.