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Times & Post editors demand Harris outline policies.
She delivers a major speech and informative interview on economic policy.
The editors BURY it. (Post then buried it even lower.) This isn't news judgment. It's petty vindictiveness.
Fucking #BrokenTimes, #BrokenPost.

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in reply to Jeff Jarvis

It gets even worse. Much worse. The #BrokenTimes story is 3 takeaways, carping that she "had roundabout answers to open-ended questions" and "a hard-hitting Harris interview is still yet to come" and she might not win the Senate. This is AG's petulant vendetta, not journalism. 2/
in reply to Jeff Jarvis

And the #BrokenPost pushes a pedantic Kessler "fact-check" and carps that she "offers few specifics." Bullshit. 3/
in reply to Jeff Jarvis

Kamala Harris has not given the #BrokenTimes & #BrokenPost #ButHerEmails ammunition, so they resort to diminishing her, dismissing the substance of what she says and burying it. They do not grant her campaign respect. The inherent sexism & racism needs examination. 4/
in reply to Jeff Jarvis

I repeat: I'm not canceling my Times & Post subscriptions. I am staying on their ass. And I don't think they are rooting for Trump. It's more complicated than that: a sad stew of ego, entitlement, white & male privilege, & declining business dynamics. 5/
in reply to Jeff Jarvis

If you read #BrokenTimes & #BrokenPost coverage of the economic policy discussion they demanded of Kamala Harris, you'll learn nothing of its substance. Thanks to YouTube and the Googles, you can watch for yourself. Here is her speech. 6/
in reply to Jeff Jarvis

And here is the @SRuhle interview with @KamalaHarris, which has received strong praise from journalists who matter, as opposed to the #BrokenTimes and #BrokenPost. 7/