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in reply to Darrell Z. Grizzle

If one removes the “weak” teachings of Jesus from “Christianity” the rest is:
“The mightiest being has chosen you and your tribe to be special. Other tribes are not special. You are immortal and you will get everything you ever want if only you make other people do what you (want to) remember from the rest of the big book you never read yourself.”
This explains a lot to me.
in reply to QuidNunc

This is a very basic question, asked on the internet.
You will find better sources on the history of Abrahamic religions, their scripture and their oral tradition than this German “Atheist with a penchant for metaphysics” as my religion teacher called me.
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Like in the Torah, or old and new testamants! No, I haven't studied or even "read"them, at least not all the bible.