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🧵 Trump's latest lie about #KamalaHarris crowds is the official kickoff to #BigLie2

On Sunday, Donald Trump told a blatant lie about Kamala Harris's huge crowds at her campaign rallies.

He knows with 100% certitude that her crowds are not fake. What he's doing is building a new alternative reality for his supporters should he lose

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in reply to Matthew Sheffield

Anyone spending a minute on any social network can easily find numerous articles, photos, and videos posted by attendees and journalists to verify that thousands of people show up for #KamalaHarris and #TimWalz campaign rallies.

But in a Sunday social media post, Trump made the false claim that a crowd at a Thursday event was AI generated.

His claim is pathetic and ridiculous, but it is also insidious.

There are many videos like the below

in reply to Matthew Sheffield

The picture first circulated by Trump supporters and later by the disgraced ex-president himself does appear to be heavily processed compared to professional footage from an Aug. 8 Harris-Walz event in Michigan. But that proves nothing, given the numerous first-hand photos and live broadcasts of the event that took place.

Trump and the Republican National Committee spend millions of dollars a year paying people to watch top Dems in person and on TV. He knows the crowd is real.

in reply to Matthew Sheffield

There is 100% certitude based on the thousands of first-hand accounts of journalists, campaign officials, and crowd members, that Harris had about 15,000 people attend her rally at the Detroit airport.

Trump knows this as well. His blatant lies about Harris's crowds are designed to cast doubt in the minds of his ultra-gullible supporters about the election, even though it is months away.

This is the exact same playbook Trump followed before the 2020 election.

in reply to Matthew Sheffield

In the months leading up to 2020, Trump polled below future president Joe Biden in almost all public opinion surveys. Knowing that he was likely to lose, Trump and his minions concocted a false theory long before a single ballot had been cast to say that mailed ballots are fraudulent.

As the election drew closer, Trump allies even wrote speeches proclaiming victory and demanding that mail ballots not be counted. They knew that mail ballots are delayed in many states.

in reply to Matthew Sheffield

The violence of January 6th was based on these lies about mail-in voting. Trump voted by mail in 2019, 2020, and every year afterwards. He has had confidence in mailed ballots, despite his many lies.

In 2024, Republicans have dropped their flagrant lies about mailed ballots and instead are concocting a new one that unauthorized immigrants are supposedly voting in large numbers.

This is blatantly false and they know it. But it's the pretext of a vast network of activists that are now in place.

in reply to Matthew Sheffield

Cleta Mitchell, the radical Christian attorney who has spread blatant lies about "voter fraud" for decades, is among many Republican elites who are plotting to delay and block certification of a Harris victory. The goal is nothing less than wholesale election theft.

Up until now, these efforts were mostly in the shadows since Republicans didn't think Joe Biden could win.

But now that Harris is ahead in almost every poll, Trump has become desperate so this is why he's begun #BigLie2.