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OMFG!! I have seen diplomatic cables criticizing allies on policies and messaging, I have seen (even helped write) speeches that laid out the 'slight differences' with close neighbours

I have NEVER seen this, during an election campaign - this would have been approved right up to cabinet and the PM's office - it's actual cannon fire

#CDNpoli #ABpoli #ONpoli #BCpoli #USpoli #USelection

in reply to Mat Wright

@hannu_ikonen Alt-text (addendum): Full text of letter in image:

Allan Rock
Letter to Donald Trump from Lloyd Axworthy
and me. Waiting for an answer...
Quawa, pintane, Canada
September 6, 2024
Mr. Donald J. Trump
The Mar-a-Lago Glub
1100 South Ocean Boulevard
Palm Beach, FL 33480
Dear Mr. Trump:
We are citizens of Canada. As a result of a news article in the Washington Post, we have… (1/5)

in reply to Aral Balkan

become aware of a reference you made in a recently published book to the Prime Minister of
Canada, the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau. More specifically, it is reported that you made a
calumnious assertion with respect to Mr. Trudeau's paternity. Apart from its falsity, the
statement as reported was vile, vulgar, and deeply offensive.
The American people will soon have an opportunity to express their judgment of your… (2/5)
in reply to Aral Balkan

candidacy at the ballot box. We express no opinion here on that subject, including your
documented history of lying and deceit. We are happy to leave the assessment of your conduct
more broadly to the wisdom of the American voters.
We are, however, very concerned about the way foreign politicians refer to Canadian leaders,
and we have every right to express our outrage when people like you demean and insult them… (3/5)
in reply to Aral Balkan

from abroad. We therefore wish to record our disgust at your reference to Mr. Trudeau. We call
upon you to withdraw your book from circulation until the offending passage has been
removed, and we ask that you tender a public apology to Mr. Trudeau and to Canadians for
your profoundly offensive words.
Hey ArenA
Lloyd Axworthy
Quan Rock.
Allan Rock
Ambassador David L. Cohen
US Embassy in Canada
490 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, ON K1N1G8
Ambassador Kirsten Hillman… (4/5)
in reply to Aral Balkan

Embassy of Canada to the United States
501 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 200001
USA (5/5)