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in reply to Outmazi

Too bad it is CIS HET oriented. It reminds me of an old novel I read decades ago called Chrome which was GAY
in reply to -0--1-

Riffing on the CIS HET theme, Dreams In Digital by Orgy fits the #ElmoMusk pic
in reply to -0--1-


Interesting that you mention the term #DarkTriad in relation to them.


#Trump's #SecretaryOfRetribution

Me, too.
Did you see Ivan's bio (2nd link?) --He's also extremely competent.

IMO, both TFG and Ivan are Dark Tetrads 1) They relish making others suffer who oppose them.

If #TFG regains power by re-entering the White House in 2025, he will carry out his repeated threats. With Ivan's professional background and preparations, this will be done highly effectively.


No PW:

#DarkTetrad #DarkTriad

in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

@HistoPol Thanks for the link and the support. My degree is in #PsychologicalMeasurement. Interestingly, one can prompt Google Gemini and ChatGPT to characterize the personalities of politicians and people on the web from using their own words and various psychological instruments:
in reply to -0--1-



The "OCEAN Trait" and the "Dark Triad traits" of all 5 chief #MAGA|ts is 100% identical. 😄

Exactly as I would have guessed from my observations.
(Not a psychology major.)


in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

@HistoPol I have a friend who actually does psychological evaluations of astronauts for NASA. And does market research for gigs. I have taken just about every test--professionally and to understand me. I scored 100% on the Openness scale and asked him what that meant. His response was, "You probably won't be eating at Friendly's." LOLOLOL.
in reply to Sampath Pāṇini ®

@paninid @HistoPol I use all the AIs. LOL I treat them like #SpecialNeedsStudents: some can see the web and images, some are non-verbal, some forget things and have a short attention span. LOL. I have been trying to create an R script that prompts all of them the same thing, return the response to the promt and put the responses in a side by side table for comparison.
in reply to -0--1-

@paninid @HistoPol They all have biases. It's easy to spot the biases when they are said out loud. It's much harder to spot biases when things are not said: omitted, obnubilated, obfuscated.
in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

@HistoPol @paninid I do it manually and shove the responses into spreadsheets. It's a time consuming royal pain in the ass to do. But the exercise is very illuminating.
in reply to -0--1-

@_9CL7T9k8cjnD_ @HistoPol
Until and unless you run your own private LLM, it is subject to the biases of the model owner.
in reply to Sampath Pāṇini ®

@paninid @HistoPol Absolutely. Moreover, the output is generally screened--especially for "sensitive topics". The screening process is biased.
in reply to -0--1-

@paninid @HistoPol My first experience with this was asking questions about religions. I asked questions about #Heathenry. Gemini told me some denominations were tied to #WhiteSupremacy. This was new to me. I started asking questions. Gemini Stopped Answering. ChatGPT would answer. Claude would answer. Google has an agenda.
in reply to -0--1-

@paninid @HistoPol Similarly, Gemini would not answer or would obnubilate and obfuscate for many religious denominations. I started with the PEW Religious Landscape Study to create a founders table to study Why People Believe What They Believe and how religion spreads.
in reply to -0--1-

However, this seem to be all "Anglosaxon" rightwing sects (I haven't heard of most of them, I just looked at the names.)

@paninid @Outmazi

in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

@HistoPol @paninid @Beachbum Currently around 800 religious "denominations". I grew frustrated with Gemini when it refused to answer question. And became pedantic about founders/leaders.
in reply to -0--1-


Have you met Dr. Michael Blume @BlumeEvolution, a political and religious scientist, as well as a book author and blogger?
He wrote an interesting article (in German, though,) on #Longtermism this week.
He might be interested in your religious table on "Why People Believe What They Believe and how religion spreads."

@paninid @Outmazi @Beachbum

in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

@HistoPol @BlumeEvolution @paninid @Beachbum I've had 1 year of college German, for my degree in Music, so, I can get maybe every 14th word....or use Google Translate.
in reply to -0--1-


My suggestion, since the non-pro version is limited and I quite like the MS translator for scientific texts:

Copy the complete blog including the interesting comments into MS Word.
Then click translate document.

If one language is English, the result is usually quite good and it only takes a minute. Also, if I'm really into the subject, I can make Comments, highlight parts, and save the whole thing on the HDD for future reference.
@BlumeEvolution @paninid @Outmazi @Beachbum

in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

@HistoPol @BlumeEvolution @paninid @Beachbum And maybe I'll try Schiller and Goethe too. It would be interesting to see how those machine translations differ from the ones I have read.

I have actually been impressed with the machine translation of Pinking Shears by Mandy Indiana. I've had 4 years of high school French, so I get every 3rd word. Lol.

HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴 reshared this.

in reply to -0--1-


I've read both versions in a synopsis and I agree the translation is quite good. I couldn't see any real error.
Even though I have a degree in translations, my French is not good enough to ascertain whether the language level is kept at all times.

As you mention Schiller:
He translated MacBeth. Reading that shows who really is a genius with words. I'd posit the oeuvre is equally well written in both languages.

I'm curious,...
@BlumeEvolution @paninid @Outmazi @Beachbum

in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

@_9CL7T9k8cjnD_ excellent translator would render the translation in British or American English of contemporaries of the late 18th / early 19th centuries as well...

@BlumeEvolution @paninid @Outmazi @Beachbum

in reply to -0--1-

This poem is also interesting regarding the content, migration to the #EU. 👍
@BlumeEvolution @paninid @Outmazi @Beachbum

@HistoPol @BlumeEvolution @paninid @Beachbum And maybe I'll try Schiller and Goethe too. It would be interesting to see how those machine translations differ from the ones I have read.

I have actually been impressed with the machine translation of Pinking Shears by Mandy Indiana. I've had 4 years of high school French, so I get every 3rd word. Lol.

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in reply to -0--1-

@HistoPol @BlumeEvolution @paninid @Beachbum If you want to see something I think is amazing, take a song or a poem that has deep meaning to you personally, and prompt ChatGPT to do a Hermeneutical or Close reading of the work of art.
in reply to -0--1-


#Poetry analysis

Mine? 😇

in reply to -0--1-

Do you have an nickname/alias you use here, @_9CL7T9k8cjnD_ ?

I am deeply impressed, though the poem is not all too cryptic for those people with a heart, it seems to be accessible for a nascent AGI, despite neither having one or conscious thoughts.

There are some small interpretational errors in block 1 and 4, however overall, I am deeply impressed by #ChatGPT4o .

Let's try another language w/o translation by a real master of poetry, #PabloNeruda


in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

@HistoPol My name is a randomly generated string beginning and ending with the space symbol. My name is Paul.
in reply to -0--1-

As I can't decipher anything and as I am a fan of #Egyptology, is #Amenophis IV/ #Akhenaten/ #Akhenaton/ #Echnaton, the inventor of #monotheism in your table?
In particular, is there a connection to the #Abrahamic religions?
As the heretic pharaoh was later on expunged from history by his successors and the #Amun priests as much as possible, I have often wondered whether this radical concept survived this severe punishment..

@paninid @Outmazi @Beachbum

in reply to -0--1-


#History #Egyptology #Echnaton

Sounds great.

It is the same person, though. #Echnaton 1) changed the name because #Amenophis is a tribute to the "household " god of the pharaohs, #Amun,* who reigned in #Thebes.

By one account, he broke the stranglehold of the priests of Amun, who had become too powerful, by making the sun god #Aton/ #Aten, the one and only god and him it's sole interlocutor.



@paninid @Outmazi @Beachbum

in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

@_9CL7T9k8cjnD_ @paninid @Beachbum

#History #Egyptology #Echnaton

"Akhenaten founded and moved his dynastic government to, #Akhetaten, referred to as either #Amarna, El-Amarna, or Tell el-Amarna by modern scholars." 2)

The new #religion and the new capital did not survive the #pharaoh's death.
His likely son, #Tutankhamun, born #Tutankhaten, moved the capital back to #Thebes and reinstated the #Amun 2) priesthood.3)



in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

@_9CL7T9k8cjnD_ @paninid @Beachbum

#History #Egyptology #Echnaton

...pharaohs are fascinating figures.

"Akhenaten's 1) monuments were dismantled and hidden, his statues were destroyed, and his name excluded from lists of rulers compiled by later pharaohs." 2)

He is also known as the #Heretic #Pharaoh.



in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

@HistoPol @paninid @Beachbum Hubby and I actually got to see a lot of which you speak a few years back. We took a cruise of Greece, Italy, and Egypt. The port of Cairo/Alexandria and went to the valley of the kings, pyramids, sphinx. I would recommend it to anyone if they can.
in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

@HistoPol @paninid @Beachbum I started with the Pew Religious Landscape Study 2014 Questionnaire Code Book. I then marched through the code book asking Bard/Gemini to provide the Founder/Leader, Year of Founding, City of Founding, Latitude of City, Longitude of City. I got tired when prompting for Parents of Founder and their religions. Also was collecting Foundational texts. I was waiting until AI could read and work on my spreadsheet autonomously.

HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴 reshared this.

in reply to -0--1-

@_9CL7T9k8cjnD_ @HistoPol
I wonder if you could do a data visualization on a map, showing the flow of founding year and GPS location, showing how they flowed and maybe influenced each other over time.
in reply to Sampath Pāṇini ®

Brilliant idea.

I saw something like that for the earth's temperature awhile ago.
It was a very impressive animation.

@_9CL7T9k8cjnD_ @Outmazi

in reply to -0--1-

I'm pretty sure you saw #MinorityReport.

For people like famous and infamous politicians and celebs it should really soon become possible to generate psychological profiles (#Profiling) and predict their probable reactions to certain circumstances or responses to questions about public issues. 🤔


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in reply to -0--1-


It's one of my two favorite sagas. 😀
However, if I remember it correctly, #Asimov's #Psychohistory was about predicting the evolution/behavior of a large number of people, not individuals.

Ever since #FrankHerbert's #Dune, who was blowing into the same horn, I think that, in fact, there are individual people whose actions can have on society.

For instance, take the #Republican chief economist #JamesBuchanan. Wiki states that he was converted from...

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in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

#SciFi #Psychohistory #Asimov

...a marxist to a free-marketeer within weeks by one of his professors, a founder of the #ChicagoSchool.

For decades, he has been one of the key Republican scientific cornerstones that paved the way for #RonaldReagan and ultimately #TFG.

How would #UShistory be different w/o these two impactful presidents?

This is but one example. I didn't pick an emperor like # #Augustus or a dictator like #Sulla, #Hitler, #Stalin or #Putler...

in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

@HistoPol I was recently reading about #JamesBuchanan. I darker version of #AynRand and #Hyeck
in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

#SciFi #Psychohistory #Asimov
(3/3) the oligarchy or a (political) movement will definitely have had a significant historical impact, making the individual's impact more difficult to differentiate.


Unknown parent

@HistoPol @paninid That's the goal. I am still collecting data. I have played with epidemiology models and gravity models. The goal is to build a #ChronoDendrogram of the spread of religious thought. I got tired adding the religions of the Parents of the founders and got more tired trying to collect the corpus of religious texts. My profile on #Xhitter is of the formation of #TheBible and other foundational texts.

HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴 reshared this.

Unknown parent

HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

"Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses to the door of All Saints' Church in Wittenberg on 31 October 1517."

I only had some religious studies, but this is exactly what I learned. Why only "one account?"

@paninid @Outmazi

in reply to -0--1-

@HistoPol @paninid I am leaning toward Bayesian Analysis but need to collect the elements that probably contribute to how religious thought spreads. An example, Martin Luther Rebelled and according to one account, Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses to the door of All Saints' Church in Wittenberg on 31 October 1517.
in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

@HistoPol @paninid There are multiple accounts and many doubts depending on which version of History one chooses. That's part of why I want to use Bayesian Analysis and have looked at #PeterTurchin 's #SeshatProject

HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴 reshared this.

in reply to -0--1-

Ok, you're right
I just checked at the source, who'd rather have it, so the German Lutheran Church.

It says, "It is not certain whether #Luther posted them there as pamphlets on October 31, 1517. But the #theologian brought his critical theses to the public, and they were soon translated from Latin into German, printed, distributed, and discussed throughout the country."

@paninid @Outmazi

in reply to -0--1-

@HistoPol @paninid @surrealnative Gents, I gotta take a break. Cooking dinner. Sometimes politics and religion bum me out. I leave you with this #ArtAndMusicGiveMeHope
Unknown parent

@surrealnative @HistoPol @paninid This diagram from is actually my Avatar on #Xhitter #BewareOfElmosFlushFlap
Unknown parent

@surrealnative @HistoPol @paninid As an example, I started to look at the comparison of Biblical texts and when the word Homosexuality entered the dialog. It wasn't until 1957. It was an English version and it just happens to coincide with the Kinsey Report and religious fundamentalists reacting to its release.
in reply to -0--1-

@_9CL7T9k8cjnD_ @HistoPol @paninid
in reply to David Lohr

@surrealnative @HistoPol @paninid Thanks for this. There are many corpus collections. Google was working on a Biblical one. There are many private collections but most have agendas that they are spreading and want to collect coins in the process.
in reply to -0--1-

I have not had to much statistics, so IDK Bayesian Analysis but I am quite interested in your future findings.

I'm not sure if there is only one method/way how religious thoughts spread and in our social-media global-network society it might even be different nowadays, but looking at the new testament, traveling "missionaries" and letters to "communities" of believers (by the apostles e.g.) seem to have been a means of transmission.

In a state religion,...

@paninid @Outmazi

Unknown parent

@HistoPol To your point, #Elmo and #Xhitter either think I'm a bot, don't like my politics and/or don't like it when I am mean to them. BTW--I grew up in abject poverty, homeless at times living in the back of a for pickup with alcoholic evangelical parents. I have had 12 reincarnations on #Xhitter
in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

@_9CL7T9k8cjnD_ @paninid
...such as #Atenism, i.e. a #theocracy, it different. Echnaton provided images of him and his royal wife, Nefertiti, to the homes of his subjects and, like other pharaos, and sponsored a lot of buildings with inscriptions.


in reply to -0--1-


I did not survive but a couple of weeks until Elmo blocked my account and tried geolocating me. I never created another account there. Now, there is not even a point being there anymore, IMO.

in reply to -0--1-


That is an extreme "hardcore" bio. Kudos.
I don't think I could survive in such an environment for long.

in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

@HistoPol @paninid Interestingly, working through my founders table, my idea of religious transmission had to expand a couple of times to include TV, Radio, and online evangelism. I am a #RabidAtheist.
in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

@HistoPol I consider myself AVERAGE. But my average is caused by living in the tails of the distribution instead of just in the middle of the distribution.
in reply to -0--1-

@_9CL7T9k8cjnD_ @HistoPol Put it in perspective. If you’re of average intelligence you’d be a genius if you were a magat
in reply to -0--1-


From the convo we've had today, you're definitely not "average," in particular by US standards.

in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

The irony is that MANY of my family are MAGATs. I have told my little sister to take me out of her phone and never call me again--she beLIEves in Jesus and guns. If you already #BELIEVE in an #Omniscient, #Omnipresent, #Omnipotent #SkyDaddy and #Whisper #SelfishWhispers to #ImaginaryFriends and a #ZombieJew, to bend the laws of #Physics and #Probability to grant your #SelfishDesires it's trivial to believe anything #tRump says is the truth. #JohnBata print.
in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

@HistoPol @SteveBologna The #AmericanDream of most people in the US is to go into debt paying $256 per person to take their 1 year old to #StandInLine in the hot sun at #DisneyWorld or #DisneyLand for that #FantasyVacation. I'd rather go to #Egypt and see #Reality
in reply to -0--1-


#Religion #statistics

Coming back to your goal, as you are doing for other things, I think clustering is always a great approach.

I just came accross a post by Dr. Blume and I think it should help in your aim:

(German, but, hey...)