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🇺🇸 If you are interested in #Project2025 you might want to read about where it all began and how it lead to Trump. The original concept behind it came from Nobel laureate James Buchanan and his economic policies.

Thanks go out to @HistoPol for providing the link .

Meet the Hidden Architect Behind America's Racist Economics

#Trump #Politics #NeverVoteConservative #Wealth #Economics #Racism #HumanRights

in reply to Snowshadow

wow, what a sick and distorted image this guy had of people.
And someone like that trained students and still finds people who think exactly like him and act in his sick way.
It is incomprehensible to me why people can follow such a misanthropic ideology.

#US #Economics #Racist #rightwing #teaparty #ideology #democratic #Koch #misanthropic

in reply to Gehtso

Buchanan has zero empathy and unfortunately too many are the same. We live in strange times.
in reply to Snowshadow

Holy moly. Depressing that this man was given a Nobel Prize and a school at a major educational institution, influencing young minds with such a dark, bizarre vision of the world.
in reply to Snowshadow

Now, as he always managed to not take center stage, according to the article (apart from the Nobel prize,) he cannot possibly be a narcissist, can he?

So, me not having read anything about his personal life, could he be a #Longtermist like Musk?

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in reply to HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴

Aren’t longtermers obsessed with the use of science and technology to optimize human beings? Like eugenics taken even further? If so, that wasn’t part of the article. Buchanan was just a true elitist asshole, who wanted to make sure that govt and the plebes were completely in service to oligarchy. Democracy is for chumps, rewrite the rules to eliminate it. Direct line to Project 2025 and what we have been seeing in (slow, deliberate) action since the 1980s.
in reply to Lucy B

Perhaps he became a racist because: "He believed that there was overt discrimination against young men from the South or West .."
Ironic he received his education through " the generous G.I. Bill education subsidy available to war veterans, "
Frank Knight, in 6 weeks converted him from a socialist to " a zealous advocate of the market order"
Knight: "one of the major figures in preserving and promoting classical liberal thought in the twentieth century."

source: wiki

in reply to Snowshadow

I had forgotten about that.

"Frank Hyneman Knight (November 7, 1885 – April 15, 1972) was an American economist who spent most of his career at the University of Chicago, 👉where he became one of the founders of the Chicago School.👈

/s: So, thanks a lot, Frank!/s


in reply to Snowshadow


Wie really should focus more on the selection process for people who educate our youth.


in reply to Lucy B

Yes, from what I have read so far, though mostly about him decades ago, he is not a #Longtermist (the "L" in #TESCREAL*.)



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