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A fable about #GenAI

The Emir wanted to teach his donkey to talk. No one was willing to take the job so he raised the salary. Finally, Hodja Nasreddin accepted the job on the condition that he could have 10 years to do it.

His friends were shocked. "No one can teach a donkey to talk. You will be executed."

"Perhaps," Hodja answered. "But the money is good, the job is easy, and in 10 years a lot might happen. I might die, or the Emir might die, or sure enough even this old donkey might die."

Pavel A. Samsonov reshared this.

in reply to Pavel A. Samsonov

I was _just_ talking about The Emperor's New Clothes as a figurative model for generative AI enthusiasm in the executive class

But I might like this story even better

in reply to Pavel A. Samsonov

I don’t really see how this relates to gen AI, which is already here, and rapidly improving by the day 🤔