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Via Emptywheel:

I keep thinking that #Trump couldn't have sold Truth Social shares yet if it had fallen below 12 on Thursday. It may do so today.

……….[hours later]…….

These numbers may eventually be scrutinized as closely as election returns on November 5.

Lisa Melton reshared this.

in reply to Laffy

Reminder that Truth Social was built with code stolen from Mastodon:

This entry was edited (2 days ago)
in reply to FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

@FediThing this is an article from 2021 and a bit misleading. Also further events after this showed more insights into “the truth”. Mastodon is open source and free. So anyone can build their own social network with it. But there are stipulations which are lined out in the user agreement. For awhile truth social was breaking that agreement by removing credit from the source code. Currently it’s unclear if they are still running an outdated and unpatched version or not. But the platform tanking on the stock market and bleeding users from the already minuscule hate group pile, has nobody really caring. Users have already been scraped and doxed from other previous efforts.
in reply to rtificial

"Mastodon is open source and free. So anyone can build their own social network with it. "

...only if they provide source code too and credit the authors of the original source code. If someone hides the source code and claims credit for it, the code is stolen.

This goes beyond piracy: if a commercial company pretends it has written something it hasn't, or pretends it owns something it doesn't, then that implies the company's assets are much less than they claim. That brings up questions of how reliable their share price is, and whether there's fraud going on there.

This entry was edited (2 days ago)