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DHS bought a dog-like robot that it modified with an antenna array to let law enforcement overload people’s home networks to disable any “internet of things” devices, according a transcript obtained by EFF’s Dave Maass and shared with @404mediaco.

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in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

erm... and also handily turns off any recording devices so they can human rights violate to their little heart's content.
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

This will no doubt speed up efforts to DDoS the Robots themselves. You don't operate in a vacuum.
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

Mitigated via LoRaWAN; immune to a consumer grade WiFi DDoS attack. Engineer LoRa trap nodes to employ frequency hopping, ADR, & message authentication. Use network server throttling, monitoring, gateway redundancy, encryption, key rotation on access control, and geo filters. #HackThePlanet
This entry was edited (5 days ago)
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

Once Upon A Time I produced a system that would intercept 2G SMS messages and, if desired, block them. The company I did it for claimed, very vaguely (I got no detail from them at all), that the target market was things like blocking SMS-triggered bombs. But, clearly, the technology moves on.
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

this is absolutely insane. it reads like something out of a fictional universe
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

Wouldn't cutting power to a building be cheaper and more effective in 99% of situations than this?
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

How many people have “booby trapped” their homes using smart devices? Is this a problem that really needs solving? How about some common sense gun reform laws instead? @404mediaco
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

"Booby traps" what a cute excuse! They want to disable CCTV cameras. That's the "Internet of things" that could cause harm on entry.
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

Coming soon, only in America: Man with pacemaker uses shotgun on eDog, claims violation of 2nd Amendment and FCC interference. Courts throw papers in the air and say "fuck this shit, we're out.”
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

Is there a YT channel yet where we can watch these things get taken out by snipers from a distance or by airborne drones or is that still a few months away?
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

Yes, because I'm totally going to use an Arduino to set off my door-bomb, instead of a good old switch.
This is probably an excuse to either blow some taxpayers' money, or ramp up electronic surveillance.
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

What are they going to do when someone had previously installed CAT 5 or 6 wiring during a remodel (very easy to do when the sheetrock is not yet in place).
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

Is it going to self-destruct the first time they use it or does it drag a long CAT6 cable behind it? If you say it's autonomous, please advance the doomsday clock by a few seconds.
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

This sounds dangerously close to being illegal to me.

Though really DHS itself should be straight up illegal.