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Let me start finally with Day one....

I've been very impressed with everything you've posted so far.... Thank you

Don't expect as great stuff as you guys have had

I'll never get there.... That's what it means to know yourself and your limits 😂



@HistoPol @mattotcha @energiepirat @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @greenfire @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @2ndStar @MAJ1 @scb @mina

in reply to si_irini

I posted this book right at the beginning, it was the first that came to my mind, I didn't have a picture just the title

I couldn't even think of the author
but I think I will never forget this book title

unfortunately I searched desperately yesterday to find it but it is not to be found
not the only one
it will probably be one of the books I once took with me to Greece
I got the photo from the net


@HistoPol @mattotcha @energiepirat @VeroniqueB99 @greenfire @SilviaMarton @scb @mina

in reply to si_irini

Short description although the title says a lot…

The year without Pit by Maja Gerber Hess
-- how to deal with the suicide of a loved one
how to go on living with the questions that remain unanswered and with the accusations of not having helped --


@HistoPol @mattotcha @energiepirat @VeroniqueB99 @greenfire @SilviaMarton @scb @mina

in reply to si_irini

I read this book when I was 15 and some of you who know me here will probably recognize how much it has influenced me

A very sad story but with hope
Kind of the way I often try to write
and who knows me
yes I still cry just thinking about it

I'm sorry to post such a sad book on a Monday morning, but there is no other book that has influenced me for the next 30 years of my life more

Thank you all so much 🌹

@HistoPol @mattotcha @energiepirat @VeroniqueB99 @greenfire @SilviaMarton @scb @mina

in reply to si_irini

Wow, very impressive topic, in particular, for s.o. aged 15


@mattotcha @energiepirat @VeroniqueB99 @greenfire @SilviaMarton @scb @mina

I read this book when I was 15 and some of you who know me here will probably recognize how much it has influenced me

A very sad story but with hope
Kind of the way I often try to write
and who knows me
yes I still cry just thinking about it

I'm sorry to post such a sad book on a Monday morning, but there is no other book that has influenced me for the next 30 years of my life more

Thank you all so much 🌹

@HistoPol @mattotcha @energiepirat @VeroniqueB99 @greenfire @SilviaMarton @scb @mina

in reply to si_irini

Is this book available in English?

I don't speak German, but I think it would be a really useful read.

I'm three years into my experience of surviving the loss of a dear friend, and feeling very rough these days.

in reply to Casey Bottono - BottonoWriter


I am so sorry to hear that
I can hardly imagine how difficult it is to be in your situation
You are welcome to write me

this book ends with hope and that is probably the most important thing about it

yes it is a helpful book
it has left a lasting impression on me

unfortunately I don't know for English, I bought the book in '93 or '94 .... I think some of it is only available second hand in German…
no idea what it looks like with e-books
I searched but I can’t find it….sorry

in reply to si_irini

Thank you so much for your compassionate response.

There is a German Kindle edition, but that doesn't solve the problem.

I really appreciate you looking on my behalf.

in reply to Seb


I will search for it in Greece and then I will take it with me back to Germany again and when my son is old enough in a few years I will give it to him to read it
It is a difficult book, but sends a lot of hope
It is a good book for teenagers, it was recommended for teens that’s why I read it back then.
But it is also for everyone who wants to read something about that topic

@HistoPol @mattotcha @energiepirat @VeroniqueB99 @greenfire @SilviaMarton @mina