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I know many of you depend on my boosting for a curated "best of the Fediverse" feed. And normally I enjoy providing that.

But recent events, especially politics, are taking a toll. It's very difficult to read not just the news itself but your reactions to it.

I'm dealing with a LOT of existential dread right now. As are many of my #trans siblings. And mental health comes first.

So, you may notice the firehose slow to a trickle. Or even stop for awhile.

Thank you for understanding. 💖🏳️‍⚧️


steve mookie kong reshared this.

in reply to Lisa Melton

Totally get it. Take care of yourself, and do what you need to do. ❤️
in reply to Lisa Melton

we appreciate your boosts, be they many, few or none. Take care of yourself; we love your content but want you to be healthy first.
in reply to Lisa Melton

We all need sanity and health breaks. Take care and see you in the timeline when you scroll by again.
in reply to Lisa Melton

Very understandable. I've got some of that dread myself.
in reply to Lisa Melton

Hang in there. It is going to be okay. Remember, after exhausting all other options, America gets things right. There is no way Mango Mussolini is going anywhere but jail.
in reply to Lisa Melton

maybe a flower on our deck today will help just a bit
in reply to Lisa Melton

mental health is super important. And it’s completely understandable to step back. Out of curiosity, what do you do for your mental health? Work on your transcoding scripts, or go out and enjoy nature, or watch media? Of course, no need to share if you don’t want. I’m just curious.
in reply to Lisa Melton

Please take care of YOU. We need you around whether you're boosting or not. Stay safe.
in reply to Lisa Melton

above all be safe and healthy. I’m cis and I’m taking a bit of break myself. For all the dread and bad news in the media (here and elsewhere) keep in mind that it is summer (here in California we’re about to get a crazy heat wave) and most regular folks are focused on summer breaks, kids camps, and Fourth of July bbqs and for many a few last Pride events.
in reply to Lisa Melton

The delightful firehose of your posts isn't even in the same league of importance as looking after yourself. Look after yourself, and don't be afraid to ask for support.x
in reply to Lisa Melton

Take care of yourself. I’m and old, straight, priveleged white man and even I feel under siege from the MAGA insanity. I can't imagine what you other targeted people are going through.
in reply to Lisa Melton

Like many here I feel like I’ve gotten to know you through your beautiful, wise, hilarious and brilliant curation. Hope you feel better soon and look forward to more of the same when you’re in a better space. You’re awesome, please take care of yourself however you need to. :)
in reply to Lisa Melton

Good for you for looking out for your best interests. 💜 I’m so sorry for all of the fear you’re experiencing.
in reply to Lisa Melton

Yes, turn the news hose off… sit back and enjoy some coffee. Recharge.
in reply to Lisa Melton

Sending love ❤️ Take all the time you need. Things are heavy & you need to do what's needed for yourself to not become too overwhelmed. We understand 💗
in reply to Lisa Melton

Everything has been a lot for a while. Thanks for letting us know you will be disengaging.
in reply to Lisa Melton

I just spent a blissful few days by a lake with my sister/friend and her kids (who I also love deeply) and with no way to get in touch with me. Then got home and we went to a hilarious and sexy Goth burlesque show with a lovely audience full of lovely queerdos. I didn't know how much I needed to just be around my people. Look after yourself and focus on why we fight because we need the joy, love and kindness to have the courage and stamina to fight. This is why Audre Lorde wrote about self care being radical (not self indulgence, caring and respecting our own needs in a world that often doesn't extend that to us...sometimes our care needs to be turned inward too).
in reply to Lisa Melton

The way forward isn't clear despite what you may be reading on Mastodon. I'm in the same boat - by no means certain about what to do, but open to having a conversation. As you know, having a conversation online is frequently a mistake and I've already been blocked by many very impressive people who know where the block button is and are sure what the right way forward is. Take care and be strong.
This entry was edited (2 days ago)
in reply to Lisa Melton

Completely understand. Take your time. ❤️
in reply to Lisa Melton

Boy howdy, I feel you. I'm going to hide out for a while in my sketchbook, cooking, and old film noir classics.
But I won't surrender hope. I see this as a call to double down on visualizing a satisfactory final outcome in November, putting the trick of positive, energetic, quantum observation and intention to work. Can't hurt, and if enough people unite in the effort: It! Could! Work!
in reply to Lisa Melton

Do what you can to stay healthy, sane, and potentially effective at struggling for that which likely will need you in the coming days.

I'm not made for giving effective comfort. The best I can do is to say that bad times can call from us our best, and allow us to be more than we might be otherwise. This were likely of scant comfort as 0.) it were better not to have to struggle so and 1.) the worst can also bring-out our worst, so we must be on guard…but we can try to do our duties.

This entry was edited (2 days ago)
in reply to Lisa Melton

Totally get it. I feel the same dread right now.
And while I’m in Europe where things are safer right now, I feel for everyone in the community in the US!
While simultaneously fearing the same things will happen here
This entry was edited (2 days ago)
in reply to Lisa Melton

Thank you for all you do. Take care of yourself first, and know that you are appreciated.
in reply to Lisa Melton

Understood, take care of yourself 1st & foremost & much love from this dorky middle-aged cis-het white dude to you & everybody who isn't all of those things
in reply to Lisa Melton

Totally understand that and feel similar. I just want to thank you for all your work and attention, the care you show in finding and boosting so much good content. It's appreciated.
in reply to Lisa Melton

❤️ ❤️ ❤️ I enjoy your boosts but I am very glad you are prioritizing your own health and wellbeing.
in reply to Lisa Melton

I don’t blame you a bit, sis. I’ve heard from a few of our siblings and they’re, how about we say, “concerned”

There’s still a lot of time for things to shake out until the general… a lot. Kind of like those last two minutes in a football game. Those two minutes can go for a lonnng time.

So for now, let’s take a breath, center ourselves and figure out what to do to unscrew the events ahead of us.

In the meantime may I offer you a video of me being attacked by a moth.

Yes… a moth.

in reply to Lisa Melton

Seconding what others are saying here. Self-care and mental well-being are super important, and always come first.

I can only imagine how frightening things must feel to the most vulnerable folks. You should know that we're all ready to show support and solidarity.

You hang in there!

in reply to Lisa Melton

I'm surprised you haven't written a bash script to do all this already :)
in reply to Lisa Melton

look after yourself first. The rest of it can happen when you are ready, but only then.
in reply to Lisa Melton

love your boosts, but your mental health is way more important. Please take the time you need.
in reply to Lisa Melton

Zero blame. ♥️ Stay safe, and take care of yourself.
in reply to Lisa Melton

Take care, Lisa.
It's a lot.
You do you.
Stay healthy and find a little peace.💖🌷✨️


This entry was edited (2 days ago)
in reply to Lisa Melton

Take care of yourself, whatever you need to do. Your health and wellbeing come first.
in reply to Lisa Melton

More than understandable, I had a similar situation after elections here recently. Looked up places to emigrate to to slightly curb the existential angst.

It's a bit better now. Take your time. In the mean time, I can offer a curated "worst and trashiest" of the Fedi with lots of unhealthy politics :'-D