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Freedom is not achieved with the right to carry a weapon
you only give too many the right to end a life

The right to freedom in general is not enforced by everyone with a gun
but is enforced in a democracy by peaceful means


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in reply to si_irini

In times of peace
no freedom is endangered in a democracy
it is only endangered by those who use violence to oppress others to live out their freedom.

Through violence and the threat of violence and terror, a climate is created for people to make wrong decisions
Unfortunately, this also serves some


in reply to si_irini

In our world and its diverse history and the realization that freedom should be fought for every day,
should not be the realization that this can be enforced by force of arms
especially not by each individual


in reply to si_irini

Freedom is a gift, but also the right of every human being

The freedom not to be shot by someone is also part of it

The freedom to send a child to school and not be afraid if it will come home is also a freedom that everyone should live.

Being afraid if your neighbor pulls a gun in a fight is not a freedom of expression, it is the fear of a violence that enslaves and is the opposite of freedom


in reply to si_irini

The right to carry a gun to give each of us the right to fight for freedom is a mockery to me...
because when has this been done in recent years?
How many innocent people have been victims of this very freedom that some want to defend by all means?

There are many examples around the world where people live in freedom and peace and are not at the mercy of the terror of armed violence


Thanks for reading ❤️


link to the musk post on Twitter

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