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Via @emptywheel:

I think people aren't giving enough consideration to possibility that Bezos killed #Harris nomination as part of quid pro quo, not fear.

I have wondered the same abt some of the union endorsements.

After all, John Roberts has largely eliminated bribery as a crime, esp for POTUS

Lisa Melton reshared this.

in reply to Laffy

Wasn't it reported that Trump was meeting Blue Origin executives shortly before Bezos killed the Harris endorsement? Perhaps Trump has promised Bezos a slice of the NASA pie?

(For anyone who doesn't know, "Blue Origin" is Bezos' vanity space project. It's the one with the rocket that looks like genitalia.)

Trump is notorious for playing people off against each other for his own advantage. Maybe he is trying to play Musk off against Bezos by promising both space money?

EDIT: Link is

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