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Patrick Breyer: Leak on latest #ChatControl attempt [...] - no blocking minority! [...] Only 5 days to next discussion

in reply to noodlejetski

It would help your cause a lot if you explained what it was about.
in reply to acockworkorange

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to acockworkorange

[Genuine] Does visiting the link not explain well or enough?
in reply to acockworkorange

[Genuine] Does the image not show up for you or are you unable to see it?
in reply to Lime Buzz (fae/she)

A-ha! So there’s a bit of both client issues and user error. My client crops the preview image of the site. And when I clicked the link to the mastodon post, I didn’t pay attention to the image because I had already seen it in the client.

Still, this being a general privacy group, it would be good if OP didn’t assume the reader was familiar with current EU politics. A small paragraph would be enough to contextualize the post.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to noodlejetski

This seems more and more like an uphill battle. It’s proposed, somehow rejected, and comes back again after 6 months. Rinse and repeat until it’s accepted.

I’m not European so I don’t have a vote in this, but it’s pretty concerning

in reply to noodlejetski
